  • Hardcover volume, 21.5 x 14.7 x 5.7 cm, bound in red cloth with blind-stamped ms signature to front board and gilt lettering over black labels, and gild design elements to spine; pp.: [i-iv] (h.t./blank, t.p./copyright) v-xv[xvi] blank, [1-2] f.t./blank, 3-1653 [1654] blank, [2] publ. note/blank; 1672 pp total; Blue ink ms inscription to h.t. 'Lawrence Wyman'. Title-page (in a two-rule frame): THE COMPLETE WORKS OF | O. Henry | Foreword by | WILLIAM LYON PHELPS | AUTHENTIC EDITION | {publisher’s device, G.C.P.} | De Luxe Edition | — | Garden City Publishing Co., Inc. | GARDEN CITY    NEW YORK || Contributors: O. Henry [William Sydney Porter] (American, 1862 – 1910) – author. William Lyon Phelps (American, 1865  – 1943) – author/foreword.
  • Hardcover volume, 18.2 x 11.8 cm, bound in quarter black polished calf with gilt lettering “cartonnage romantique” design to spine, marbled boards, matching marbled endpapers, blue margins. Title-page: SCÈNES | DE LA BOHÊME | PAR | HENRY MURGER | {publisher’s device ML} | PARIS | MICHEL LÉVY FRÈRES, LIBRAIRES-ÉDITEURS | RUE VIVIENNE, 2 bis. | 1851 || Half-title: ŒUVRES | D’HENRY MURGER || Advertisement: Chez le même Éditeurs. | BIBLIOTHEQUE CONTEMPORAINE | (page of text) || Collation: π2 (h.t/advert., t.p. / blank), 1-33 (17)12, χ6; total 212 leaves without ffls (3 front, 2 back). Pagination: [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-xiii [xiv blank], [1] 2-406; total 424 pages. Scènes de la bohême, in later editions Scènes de la vie de bohème. Translations: Into English: LIB-2719.2021. Henri Murger. The Bohemians of the Latin Quarter. (Scènes de la vie de Bohême) / Translated from the French. — London: Vizetelly & Co., 1883. Into German: LIB-2686.2021. Henri Murger. Die Bohème : Szenen aus dem Pariser Künstlerleben. — Leipzig: Insel-Verlag, 1906. Into Russian: LIB-3182.2023. А. Мюрже. Сцены из жизни богемы / Пер. с франц. и прим. Е. А. Гунста; вст. ст. С. И. Великовского; художник Н. А. Кравченко. — М.: Художественная литература, 1963. Contributors: Murger, Henri [Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861) – author.
  • Small volume, 17.2 x 13.2 cm, brown buckram with vignette and lettering to front and spine, pp.: [1-4] 5-315 [5], illustrations: portrait, frontispiece, and two vignettes by I. Gavriliuk; text on Ukrainian and Russian. A reprint of the 1874 edition. Contents: Дев’ять братiв i десята сестриця Галя, Невiльничка, Ведмiдь, Кармелюк, Совершенная курица, Королевна Я, Затейник, Похождения домашнего учителя, Воришка, Чортова пригода. Title-page: Марко Вовчок | Сказки и быль | {vignette} | КИЕВ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | «ДНIПРО» | 1988 || Print run: 250,000 copies. Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Other variants: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok. Іван Михайлович Гаврилюк (Иван Михайлович Гаврилюк) (Ukrainian, 1939 – 2008) – artist.  
  • Hand-coloured lithography on wove paper, 275 x 385 mm; vertical centerfold, image in frame. On reverse: black ink stamp “5350”. Above the frame: "IMAGERIE NOUVELLE — MORT DU PRINCE LOUIS-EUGÈNE-NAPOLÉON. — ACTUALITÉS PL. 699". Under the frame: "L'ex-prince impérial, né le 16 Mars I856, était parti pour le Cap, à l'extrême sud de l'Afrique, pour faire son apprentissage de guerre, et combattre avec les Anglais, la tribu sauvage des Zoulous. L'une des dépêches reçues confirme sa mort dans les termes suivants: — Capetown, 3 Juin 1879. — Le prince Napoléon-Eugène a été tué à l'ennemi, avant-hier, 1er Juin 1879, Il était parti en reconnaissance, avec quelques officiers et une fable escorte, au-delà du Blood River. Il descendit de cheval ave ses compagnons, au milieu des hautes herbes, pour prendre un peu de repos. Les Zoulous, rampant selon leur coutume, s'approchèrent en grand nombre et entourèrent la petite troupe. On ne les vit que lorsqu' ils furent à trois ou quatre mètres du groupe. Aussitôt chacun court vers son cheval, et quelques-uns des Anglais parvinrent à s'échapper. Quant au prince, surpris et frappé à coups de zagaie, il resta sur la place avec deux soldats. Quand les Anglais sont revenus en force, ils ont retrouvé le cadavre du jeune fils de Napoléon III percé de dix-sept coups de zagaie et complétement dépouillé de ses vêtements et de ses armes". — "Typographie, Lithographie, Imagerie, Haguenthal, Éditeur à Pont-à-Mousson". Pencil ms: "1860-1880". Élie Haguenthal (French, 1822 – 1881) – publisher/printer.
  • Three-quarter half-length seated portrait of American filmmaker and actor Woody Allen in a scene from the drama film The Front (1976), shot by Columbia Pictures in 1976, autographed on a light area of the image. Dimensions: 245 x 192 mm; image 217 x 192 mm.
  • Hardcover, 20.4 x 14 cm, quarter burgundy cloth over paper boards  with red and beige lettering and vignette to front and beige lettering to spine; pp.: [1-4] 5-182 [2], collation 8vo: 1-118 124, total 92 leaves. Design of binding and t.p. by В. Телепнев. Library pocket, stamps, and inscriptions. Title-page (red and black): Д. ГРАНИН | ЯРОСЛАВ | ДОМБРОВСКИЙ | ~ | | Издательство ЦК ВЛКСМ | “Молодая гвардия” | 1951 || Print run: 15,000 copies. Contributors: Даниил Александрович Гранин (Russian, 1919 – 2017) – author. Владимир Иванович Телепнев (Russian, 1906 – 1985) – artist. Jaroslaw Dombrowski [Jarosław Dąbrowski] (Polish-French, 1836 – 1871) – character.
  • The right sheet of (optional) triptych: Geisha (Geiko) and kabuki actor Iwai Hanshirō V as Katanaya Hanshichi from Three pleasures of present-day Osaka (Tōsei Naniwa no sankō)「当世浪花の三興 芸子」 「刀屋半七」五代目岩井半四郎. Publisher: Iseya Rihei [伊勢屋利兵衛] (Japanese, fl. 1790s – c. 1879) Year: 1821 (Bunsei 4). Size: Vertical ōban; 36.5 x 25.2 cm. Signed: 於浮瀬亭国貞画 – Drawn by Kunisada in Ukabuse (Ukabuse ni oite Kunisada ga). Ukabuse is the name of a famous restaurant in Osaka, this signature can be found only on a three print bijin series [Kunisada Project]. Censor's seal: kiwame 改印:極 Actor Iwai Hanshirō V [岩井半四郎] (Japanese, 1776 – 1847); other names: Iwai Tojaku, Iwai Kumesaburō I. Character: Katanaya Hanshichi  [刀屋半七] Ref: MFA ACCESSION NUMBER 11.21938LIB-2967.2022 Izzard. Full series (triptych) Three Pleasures of Present-day Osaka (Tōsei Naniwa no sankō):
  • Л. Ф. Лосев. История античной эстетики. Итоги тысячелетнего развития: В 2-х книгах. Книга I. - М.: Искусство, 1992. -- 656 с. ISBN 5-210-02464-4 (кн. 1)

  • Torii Kiyomitsu II (Kiyomine), Japanese, 1787–1868. Courtesan and her Komura (Doll Festival). Series: Furyu Goyo no Matsu (Customs of 5 Pine Needles, the 5 great festivals). Publisher: Tsuruya Kiemon [Marks: 553].  
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Publisher: Nishimuraya Yohachi [西村屋与八] (Japanese, fl. c. 1751 – 1860), seal name: Eijudō. Date: c. 1821–22 (Bunsei 4–5) Size: Ōban tate-e triptych, each sheet 36.8 x 26.4 cm. Signed: 五渡亭国貞画 – Gototei Kunisada ga (on center sheet). Censor’s seal: kiwame 改印: 極 A view of the dressing room of a Theater in Dōtonbori, Ōsaka (Ōsaka Dōtonbori shibai gakuya no zu): Right sheet: Actors Bandō Mitsuemon I, Asao Tamejūrō III, Ichikawa Danzō V, Nakamura Utaemon III, Bandō Mitsugorō III (in a costume of Matsuômaru), Kiriyama Monji III, Nakamura Utashichi II, Arashi Shôroku IV, Nakamura Matsue III, Matsumoto Kōshirō V, Ichikawa Komazō V. Centre sheet: Arashi Mitsugorō III, Mimasu Daigorō III, Nakayama Bunshichi III, Ichikawa Ichizō II, Bandō Minosuke II, Ichikawa Omezō I, Arashi Kitsusaburō I, Nakamura Utaroku I, Kataoka Nizaemon VII, Ōtani Tomoemon III, Asao Yūjirō I. Left sheet: Asao Kuzaemon I, Arashi Hidenosuke III, Sawamura Gennosuke II, Iwai Ōginosuke, Sawamura Kunitarō II, Iwai Matsunosuke I, Ichikawa Sōzaburō IV, Iwai Hanshirō V (in a costume of Sakuramaru), and Ichikawa Shinzō III (L). The actors are making up for a performance of the “Carriage-Stopping” scene from Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami (Sugawara Denju and the Secrets of Calligraphy). References: MFA Accession №: 11.43384a-c; Catalogue Raisonné: Izzard, Kunisada’s World (1993), #34; Hizô Ukiyo-e taikan/Ukiyo-e Masterpieces in European Collections 5, Victoria and Albert Museum II (1987), pl. 22; Keyes, PMA Osaka cat. (1973), #250 and pl. 15 (The theatrical world of Osaka prints, by Roger S. Keyes and Keiko Mizushima, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1973), pp. 70-71); Izzard, Kunisada's world revisited, 2021; V&A Accession № E.5995-1886. Kabuki actors on this print: Arashi Hidenosuke III [嵐秀之助] (Japanese, fl. 1794 – 1837); other names: Arashi Koshichi IV, Arashi Hinasuke IV, Arashi Sanjūrō VI, Kanō Hidenosuke II, Kanō Umetarō, Arashi Iwajirō III. Arashi Kitsusaburō I [嵐橘三郎] (Japanese, 1769 – 1821); other names: Arashi Kichisaburō II, Arashi Rikan I. Arashi Mitsugorō III (Japanese, ? – ?) Arashi Shōroku IV [四代目嵐小六] (Japanese, 1783 – 1826) Asao Kuzaemon I [浅尾工左衛門] (Japanese, 1758 – 1824); other names: Asai Kuzaemon Nakayama Tashirō II Takeda Nisaburō. Asao Tamejūrō III [三代目淺尾爲十郎] (Japanese, 1780 – 1836); other names: Asao Okuyama III, Asao Okuyama III, Asao Tomozō I. Asao Yūjirō I [浅尾勇次郎] (Japanese, 1782 – 1835); other names: Jitsukawa Gakujūrō I, Asao Gakujūrō, Nakamura Yaozō, Asao Yaozō. Bandō Minosuke II [坂東蓑助] (Japanese, 1802 – 1863); other names: Morita Kan'ya XI, Bandô Mitsugorō IV. Bandō Mitsuemon I [坂東三津右衛門] (Japanese, 1788 – 1846); other names: Bandō Kumahei [坂東熊平]. Bandō Mitsugorō III [三代目 坂東 三津五郎] (Japanese, 1775 – 1831); other names: Bandō Minosuke I, Morita Kanjirô II, Bandō Mitahachi I, Bandō Minosuke I, Bandō Mitahachi I. Ichikawa Danzō V [市川団蔵] (Japanese, 1788 – 1845); other names: Ichikawa Shikō I, Ichikawa Danzaburō IV, Ichikawa Danjirō I, Ichikawa Morinosuke I. Ichikawa Ichizō II [市川市蔵] (Japanese, 1806 – 1829); other names Ichikawa Ebijūrō II, Ichikawa Sukezō I. Ichikawa Komazō V [市川高麗蔵] (Japanese, 1812 – 1849); other names: Matsumoto Kinshō I, Matsumoto Kōshirō VI, Matsumoto Kinshi. Ichikawa Omezō I [市川男女蔵] (Japanese, 1781 – 1833); other names: Ichikawa Benzō II, Ichikawa Bennosuke. Ichikawa Shinzō III [市川新蔵] (Japanese, 1793 – 1837); other names: Ichikawa Sumizō III, Nakayama Tomisaburô II, Nakayama Kinsha, Nakayama Tomisaburō II, Ichikawa Komazō IV, Ichikawa Santarō. Ichikawa Sōzaburō IV (Japanese, ? – ?) Iwai Hanshirō V [岩井半四郎] (Japanese, 1776 – 1847); other names: Iwai Tojaku, Iwai Kumesaburō I. Iwai Matsunosuke I [岩井松之助] (Japanese, 1804 – 1845); other names: Iwai Hanshirō VII, Iwai Shijaku I, Iwai Komurasaki I. Iwai Ōginosuke (Japanese, ? – ?) Kataoka Nizaemon VII [七代目片岡仁左衛門] (Japanese, 1755 – 1837); other names: Yamazawa Kunigorō, Asao Kunigorō II, Nakamura Matsusuke. Kiriyama Monji III [桐山紋治] (Japanese, fl. c. 1803 – 1830); other names: Ichikawa Takigorō. Matsumoto Kōshirō V [五代目松本幸四郎] (Japanese, 1764-1838); other names: Ichikawa Komazô III, Ichikawa Sumizô I. Mimasu Daigorō III [三枡大五郎] (Japanese, 1782 – 1824); other names: Mimasu Seibē, Yoshizawa Kamezō. Nakamura Matsue III [三代目中村松江] (Japanese, 1786-1855); other names: Nakamura Sankō I, Nakamura Tomijūrō II, Ichikawa Kumatarō. Nakamura Utaemon III [中村歌右衛門] (Japanese, 1778 – 1838); other names: Nakamura Tamasuke, Nakamura Baigyoku I, Nakamura Shikan I, Kagaya Fukunosuke I. Nakamura Utaroku I (Japanese, ? – ?) Nakamura Utashichi II (Japanese, ? – ?) Nakayama Bunshichi III [三代目目中山文七] (Japanese, 1764 – 1853); other names: Nakayama Hyakka, Nakayama Hyōtarō I, Nakayama Tokusaburō. Ōtani Tomoemon III [大谷友右衛門] (Japanese, 1793–1839); other names: Arashi Shagan IV, Arashi Sanpachi II, Nakayama Monzaburō. Sawamura Gennosuke II [沢村源之助](Japanese, 1802/7 – 1853); other names: Suketakaya Takasuke III, Sawamura Chōjūrō V, Sawamura Sōjūrō V, Sawamura Tosshō I, Sawamura Genpei I. Sawamura Kunitarō II [沢村国太郎](Japanese, 1798 – 1836); other names: Ogino Kinshi, Ogino Yaegiri III, Ogino Kamekichi, Izumikawa Kamekichi.
  • Kyo-sukashi iron tsuba of round form with design of hollyhock (aoi ) and wild geese. Slightly rounded rim. Copper sekigane. Momoyama period, late 16th - early 17th century. Height: 82.6 mm, Width: 82.1 mm, Thickness at seppa-dai: 4.5 mm. NTHK (Nihon Token Hozon Kai) certified.  
  • Woodblock print album of thirteen prints, ōban, nishiki-e. Artist: Chōkyōsai Eiri [鳥橋斎 栄里] (Japanese, fl. c. 1789 ~ 1801 ). Models of calligraphy (Fumi no kiyogaki), New Year 1801. This title is taken from Chris Uhlenbeck's Japanese Erotic Fantasies Sexual Imagery of the Edo Period. — Hotei Publishing, 2005, ISBN 90-74822-66-5):. A detailed description of the album can be found at The Complete Ukiyo-e Shunga №9 Eiri, 1996, ISBN 4-309-91019. Most of the edition is in Japanese, though Richard Lane writes a section in English: Eiri: Love-letters, Love Consummated: Fumi-no-kiyogaki. The article starts with the following statement: "Why all the fuss about Sharaku? Because he is so "mysterious"? No, not at all: because he is such a good artist. But Sharaku is not the only great yet enigmatic ukiyo-e artist and I propose to resurrect here one of his important contemporaries who has been all too long neglected: Chōkyōsai Eiri. As with many of the notable ukiyo-e masters, nothing is known of Eiri's biography. All we can say is what we learn from his extant prints and paintings: that he flourished during the second half of the Kansei Period [1789-1801]; and that he was a direct pupil of the great Eishi - who, being of eminent samurai stock, may well have attracted pupils of similar background." Another citation from Japanese Erotic Fantasies: "This album is one of the boldest sets of ōban-size shunga known, The first edition contains thirteen instead of the customary twelve designs". Here I present all thirteen prints, though the edition I bought in Kyoto in 2014 contained only twelve. The thirteenth print was purchased later in the United States (sheet №12). №1: "...one of the most exotic scenes in all shunga. A Dutch kapitan is discovered coupling with a lovely Japanese courtesan, beside a large window opening upon a garden...". №2: "...a fair young harlot is seen masturbating with a grinding-pestle - a man watches intently from under bedding." [I have two specimens of this design; the one from album is more soiled but less faded]. №3: "...the artist has effectively contrasted the lovers by depicting the man's face as seen through the geisha's gauze skirt. [...] we are impressed more by strikingly elegant composition, the dramatic coloring, rather than feeling any great urge to participate in the energetic proceedings..." №4: "This scene is a most straightforward one, featuring the standard Missionary Position [capitalization by R. Lane].; but withal, the contrast of the young and naked, secret lover and the richly-clothed courtesan amid luxurious bedding..." №5: "In a striking lesbian scene (which has no equivalent in Utamaro, and is, incidentally, often omitted in later editions of this album), the girl at left prepares to receive the harikata (dildo) worn by the older girl at right (who holds a seashell containing lubricant)." №6: "In the first appearance of a matronly heroine in this series, we find a widow - with shaven eyebrows and clipped hair - sporting with a handsome yound shop-clerk, mounting him with all her might." №7: "... lady of samurai court: here, shown taking advantage of an official outing to temple and theatre, to rendezvous with a secret lover on a teahouse balcony." R. Lane considers this design the least successful in the series, especially in comparison with the same theme by Utamaro: "Utamaro female is almost ferocious in her lust for sexual gratification", which does not sound true to me. See Utamaro's sheet №5 from the album Utamakura (歌まくら, Poem of the Pillow) [courtesy The British Museum without permission]: Then, as Richard Lane states, "we are flung suddenly to the bottom rung of Edo society": №8: "Here we find a fair yotaka ('night-hawk', e.i. streetwalker) accommodating a lusty client in a lumberyard by the bank of the Sumida River". №9: '... a slightly plump harlot of the lower class receives a night visit from her lover, whose naked form she tries to cover with a cloak." №10: "...likely maidservant and lackey - are depicted in bath-room, their passions are all too obviously fired by steaming water." №11: "...this scene of courtesan and secret lover ranks high not only in Eiri's œuvre but also in the annals of the ukiyo-e genre itself. Both design and colouring are impeccable and, for this period, there is nothing even in the work of great Utamaro that really surpasses it." Again, a doubtful statement, however, this is Utamaro's design for the reader to judge: The last design in my album is this: #13: In most reference books it goes under number 13, and we will assign this number to the sheet. "The final scene of the album features naked participants, probably samurai man and wife. The print is rather subdued in tone and colour, if not in the degree of the passion displayed..." An additional sheet, acquired separately from a reputable dealer in New York, is usually listed as №12: №12: "One might think that Eiri has reached his peak with the preceding plate 11 - and indeed he has, in both esthetic and erotic terms. But the album is not yet finished, and the next scene lends a needed variety to the series, a slightly comic tableau featuring a middle-aged lackey attempting to forcibly seduce a servant girl of the same domicile". Utamaro's design, that inspired Eiri is here: All descriptions are taken from Richard Lane's article at The Complete Ukiyo-e Shunga №9 Eiri, 1996. He concluded: "...Eiri's erotic series represents a major contribution to shunga art towards the close of ukiyo-e "Golden Age". In part inspired by Utamaro's classic album, this series withal constitutes a unified and original achievement, providing a cumulative effect of gracefully  elegant yet glowing eroticism, which remains in the mind's eye long after the pictures themselves are far away." I only would like to mention here that in several reference sources this album goes under name of Eisho; unfortunately, this mistake is reproduced at www.ukiyo-e.org, which miraculously shows exactly my print, but under the wrong name of the artist. The same mistake can be found at Shunga. The art of love in Japan. Tom and Mary Anne Evans. Paddington Press Ltd., 1975. ISBN 0-8467-0066-2; plates 6.74-6.77: Chōkyōsai Eishō, c. 1800. Even the British Museum edition of 2010 gives the same erroneous attribution: Chōkyōsai Eishō (1793-1801); they provide the following translation of title: "Clean Draft of a Letter" [see: Shunga. Erotic art in Japan. Rosina Buckland. The British Museum Press, 2010; pp. 110-112]. To the honour of the British Museum, I must admit that they have corrected themselves in Shunga. Sex and pleasure in Japanese art. Edited by Timothy Clark, et al. Hotei Publishing, 2013. Now, they say Chōkyōsai Eiri (worked c. 1790s-1801); they also provide a new title: "Neat Version of the Love Letter, or Pure Drawings of Female Beauty". I have already mentioned Richard Lane's version of title: "Love-letters, Love Consummated", and Chris Uhlenbeck's "Models of calligraphy". In poorly designed and printed Shunga. Erotic figures in Japanese art. Presented by Gabriele Mandel. Translated by Alison L'Eplattenier. Crescent Books, New York, 1983, the artist is named Shokyosai Eisho (beginning of the 19th century); title provided: "Models of Calligraphy". Correct attribution to Chōkyōsai Eiri also can be found at Poem of the pillow and other stories by Utamaro, Hokusai, Kuniyoshi and other artists of the floating world. Gian Carlo Calza in collaboration with Stefania Piotti. Phaidon Press, 2010; though the title is translated as "Clean Copy of Female Beauty".  
  • Circular form tsuba made by a mirror-maker, i.e. kagamishi. Cast yamagane plate with design of six persimmons on their peduncles surrounded by leaves. Slightly raised rounded square rim. Hitsu-ana is brutally cut later in time. Copper sekigane. Early Muromachi period (1393-1457) or earlier. The inscription on the box reads: "Kamakura or Muromachi Period. Yamagane Tsuba". Dimensions: 81.9 x 81.6 mm; thickness at seppa-dai 2.8 - 3.0 mm, rim 3.4 mm.
  • Iron tsuba of round form represents an eight-spoke Wheel-of-the-Law and in the same time (because of the inner shape of cut-outs) - a sixteen-petal imperial chrysanthemum in openwork (sukashi). Decorated on both sides with vines, leaves, and tendrils in suemon-zōgan and sen-zōgan. Spokes and hitsu-ana decorated with rope-like linear brass inlay (nawame-zōgan). A somewhat look-a-like tsuba is referenced in Gary D. Murtha's Japanese Sword Guards. Onin-Heianjo-Yoshiro book on page 61. Mr. Murtha attributes his piece to Heianjo school of Azuchi-Momoyama or early Edo period. However, tsuba in this collection looks older and bolder than the one in his book. It is larger (84 mm vs. his 66 mm), the spokes are longer, the inlay is of better quality, it is relatively thin, with deep black patina, and with the traces of lacquer (urushi). This may indicate that this tsuba belongs to Ōnin school and dates at least to late Muromachi period, ca. 1550, if not 1450 AD. Mid to late Muromachi period (ca. 1450-1550). Dimensions: 84.3 x 83.2 x 3.2 mm "In Japan, the Wheel-of-the-Law is an attribute of such deities as  Senju Kannon, the Thousand-Armed Kannon, and Dainichi Nyorai, the principal deity of Shingon Buddhism [Merrily Baird]. May be used as a family crest (mon).

    Gary D. Murtha's tsuba on page 61.

  • Mokkō-form (kirikomi-mokkō-gata) iron plate of grey colour decorated on both sides with waves, reeds, cloud, pagoda, and thatched hut in low relief (sukidashi-bori). The kozuka-hitsu-ana is original, the kogai-hitsu-ana probably cut later (lacks raised rim, fuchidoru). Wide (5.7 mm) raised rim of rounded square dote-mimi type, decorated with fine cross-hatching. Momoyama period, 16th century. Dimensions: Height: 75.9 mm, width: 76.4 mm, Thickness at seppa-dai: 2.3 mm, at rim 4.4 mm. Kamakura-bori tsuba of such a form is unusual. The rim is also unusual; it is possible that cross-hatching was done as a preparatory step for damascening, or the the damascening (gold or silver) disappeared with passage of time.
  • Iron tsuba of square with cut-off edges form (sumi-iri-kakugata) with lattice design in openwork (sukashi) and pierced center.

    Unsigned. Late Muromachi period, ca. 16th century.

    Size: 73.2 x 72.4 x 3.6 mm References: 1) Tsuba Kanshoki. Kazutaro Torogoye, 1975, p. 95, lower image. It's also called Kyō shōami. 2) KTK-11: Koshi motif, Late Muromachi (16th c.)
  • Portrait of Russian actress Maria Gavrilovna Savina, a lithograph on tan paper, by artist Osip Braz, 1900.

    Maria Gavrilovna Savina (Мария Гавриловна Савина), a renowned Russian stage actress, born as Maria Podramentsova (Подраменцова) on April 11, 1854 in Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukraine, Russian Empire) and died on September 21, 1915, in Saint Petersburg. Osip Emmanuilovich Braz (Осип Эммануилович Браз; 16 January 1873 in Odessa - 6 November 1936 near Paris) was a Russian painter of Jewish descent. Imprisoned by the Soviets in 1924 (the Solovki special prison-camp), released in 1926 and emigrated to Germany in 1928. Married to Lola Landshoff.  http://russia-ic.com/people/culture_art/b/805/ "All his family members suffered from severe tuberculosis. After losing his wife Lola Lantsgof and both sons, he spent the last year of his life alone. Osip Braz passed away on November 6, 1936, and was laid down to rest at the Bagneux Cemetery in Paris." Buried at Bagneux, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, France.  
  • An annual publication of Kokusai Tosogu Kai / 16th International Convention & Exhibition in Hamburg, Germany: Museum Für Kunst Und Gewerbe / Museum of Arts and Crafts, September 11-12, 2020 and Berlin, Germany: Samurai Art Museum, September 13-14, 2020. Publisher: Tokyo: Kokusai Tosogu Kai, 2020. Pagination: [1-3] 4-103 [1]. Size: Medium 4to (30.3 x 21.6 cm), hardcover, original illustrated paper boards, in a slipcase. Tsuba from this collection depicted on the title page and pp. 59-60: TSU-0342.2017, TSU 0376.2018, and TSU 0379.2018. See also here.