  • The 103rd Bon Bock Dinner Invitation

    Artist: François Avenet a.k.a. Alexandre Ferdinandus (French, 1850 – 1888).

    Bismarck à Alphonse

    Alphonse, cher poissure! Roi pschutt du monde u’lan! Je te fais Colonel des pillards de pendules! Si cela fait rager le Bon-Bock et les Jules Tant mieux! Mais garde bien to Trône Basque-Uhlan. O. Pradels.

    Cher monsieur, Le 103ème Dîner du Bon-Bock aura lieu mardi prochain / à 7h précises aux Vendanges de Bourgognel / 14, rue Jessaint (place de la Chapelle). Si vous nous faites le plaisir d’y assister : Veuillez écrire à Mr. E. Bellot, / 37 rue St Marc, au plus tard lundi soir. Votre réponse / est absolument obligatoire pour faire mettre votre couvert (nos camarades des théâtres exceptés.) L’affirmative entraine le paiement de la cotisation présence ou absence. / Programme de notre dernière soirée. 1e H Covin (piano) une valse de sa compo- / sition. 2e de Courment : Le Chanteur du roi (1ère série) par l’auteur. / 3e Dulin de l’o.p.e. Rondeau de la petite mariée 4e Doublemard : / souvenir de la Plage La baigneuse 5e "la famille des Saltimbanque" / 6e C. Maubant Romance de la Traviata. 7e Ct. Carjat Toast à l’Alsace-/Lorraine vers par l’auteur. 8e Guillabert de l’ap. de Nantes : le Pressoir mud. de / Faure . 9e Ch. Delacour : le Poete, Sonnet. 10e if. le Duc Jean if. 11e / Fromentin. Panurge (Mus. d’Hervé) 13e A. Claris la Haine vers par l’aut. / Benty : mon p’tit neveu : paroles d’Po Clouvier. mus. de Darcier. 15e Charles / Delacour : la leçon d’Arithmétique. 16e J.B. Collegnon Fanchette, romance/ par l’auteur. 17e Doublemard : le Cocher (monologue de P. Marzin) 18e / Dulin : le Cor musique de Flégier. 19e J. M. Collignon : Elle s’appela/ Marguerite par. De L. Baillet mus de Collignon. 20e L. Bellot / annonce de l’exposition des arts incohérents sous la direction de / Jules Féry. Tous nos remerciements à Mr. Henri Covin qui a tenu le/ piano toute la soirée et a nos Camarades Ferdinandus pour son / croquis qui est absolument v’lan et à O. Pradels pour son quatrain/ des plus pachutt. // Recevez, cher Monsieur, nos salutations bien Cordiale / E. Bellot, G durater E. Cottin, R. Géner, L. Bocilart, H. Héger comba / assistaient au Dernier Dîner Mrs : Henner, Jean Brenner, Et. Carjat / Margue, Dulin, Fromentin, H. Stéger, A . Stéger, eh. Delacour, G. Mayer, Sanzel/ Denis Poulot, Bricaire, Doublemard, Vigneron, T. Boulart, L. Mayeur, Mayeur/ flle, Magnan, E. Maubant, Guillabert, H. Corin. ___ Lebreton, Tucy, Blangarnon. / Comt. Vallée, Dr Pourbain, Latapie, E. Colleville, Roumier, Hoffer, Ollivier / Verchère, Delhaye, Dr Deschamps, Ch. Hofer, Dr Geneirp, Péginissel p, et F. , Pierson, Guérin, Cronnot, de Courmont, Eliot, Fasquelle et filsm Malasamy, Guillaume fils /G Caux, Dabert, Michel p, et f.s, ___Rey. Vaundremer, Girau, general Lipovvski, Ballin, Ersetemenn, Délivré, Lepéné, de Bouillanne, V. Roser, Delbroueth. Pasquet, Treterre, / A. Claris, Thoniel, du Castaings, Pingray, Benjamin, I. Petit, Champon, Destape, Viotlat, F. Percheron, Dr Hubert, A. Aubin, Zimmermann, Vannes, A. Heulard, / Gourlet, Coppin, Hubner, laprandie, Samuel, Séguin, Ménard, Cougoul, J. B. Collignon, Beri L. Besnier, Gillandi. // 9e Année 103e Diner du Bon-Bock (Les 2e Mardi de Chaque Mois). Cotisation 5h50 / Cette invitation est strictement personnelle / Paris 3 8bre 83.
    Bismarck to Alphonse Alphonse, dear annoyance! King shushh from the Uh'lan world I name you Colonel of the looters of pendulums! If this makes the Bon-Bock and Jules angry All the better! But protect your Basque-Uhlan throne well. O. Pradels.
    Dear sir, The 103rd Dinner of the Bon-Bock will take place next Tuesday at 7 pm precisely at the Grape Harvest of Bourgognel, 14, Jessaint street (la Chapelle plaza). If you would do us the honour of coming: Please write to Mr E. Bellot, 37 St Marc street, on Monday night at the latest. Your answer is absolutely mandatory to prepare the place settings (our friends from the theatres excluded.) The 'yes' comes with a payment of the due whether or not you end up attending. Program for our last evening. 1st – H. Covin (piano) a waltz composed by him. 2nd – Courment: Le Chanteur du roi (King's singer) (1st series) by the author. 3rd – Dulin: Rondeau from opera "Le petite mariée" (The Little Bride) 4th – Doublemard: Memory of the bather's beach 5th – "The Saltimbanque family" 6th – Maubant: Romance of "La Traviata". 7th – Étienne Carjat Toast to the Alsace-Lorraine, verses by the author. 8th – Guillabert from the opera "Nantes: le Press mud" by Fauré. 9th – Charles Delacour: the Poet, Sonnet. 10th – "Duke Jean" 11th – Fromentin. Panurge (Mus. of Hervé) 13th – A. Claris "The Hatred" verses by the author, Benty: my lil’ nephew: lyrics by Clouvier, music by Darcier. 15th – Charles Delacour: the lesson in arithmetic. 16th – J.-B.Collegnon, "Fanchette", romance by the author. 17th – Doublemard: the Coach driver (monologue by P. Marzin). 18th – Dulin: the horn music by Flégier. 19th – J.-B. Collignon: "Her name was Marguerite", lyrics by L. Baillet music by Collignon. 20th  – L. Bellot, an announcement from the incoherent arts exhibition curated by Jules Férry. All of our thanks to Mr Henri Covin who played the piano all night and to our Friends Ferdinandus for his sketch that is absolutely bam and to O. Pradels for his quatrain among the most pazazz worthy. We send you our most cordial salutation, Monsieur. E. Bellot, G. Durater, E. Cottin, R. Géner, L. Bocilart, H. Héger, Henner, Jean Brenner, Et. Carjat, Margue, Dulin, Fromentin, H. Stéger, A . Stéger, Ch. Delacour, G. Mayer, Sanzel, Denis Poulot, Bricaire, Doublemard, Vigneron, T. Boulart, L. Mayeur, Mayeur daugter, Magnan, E. Maubant, Guillabert, H. Corin. Lebreton, Tucy, Blangarnon. Comt. Vallée, Dr Pourbain, Latapie, E. Colleville, Roumier, Hoffer, Ollivier, Verchère, Delhaye, Dr. Deschamps, Ch. Hofer, Dr. Geneirp, Péginissel père et fils, Pierson, Guérin, Cronnot, de Courmont, Eliot, Fasquelle et fils Malasamy, Guillaume fils, G. Caux, Dabert, Michel père et fils,  Rey. Vaundremer, Girau, General Lipovvski, Ballin, Ersetemenn, Délivré, Lepéné, de Bouillanne, V. Roser, Delbroueth, Pasquet, Treterre, A. Claris, Thoniel, du Castaings, Pingray, Benjamin, J. Petit, Champon, Destape, Viotlat, F. Percheron, Dr. Hubert, A. Aubin, Zimmermann, Vannes, A. Heulard, Gourlet, Coppin, Hubner, Laprandie, Samuel, Séguin, Ménard, Cougoul, J. B. Collignon, Berti, Besnier, Gillandi. 9th Year 103rd Dinner of the Bon-Bock (The 2nd Tuesdays of Each Month). Due 5:50 pm. This invitation is strictly personal. Paris 3 October 1883. Bismarck hands a certificate for the title of colonel along with a lance, an Uhlan helmet (Polish cavalry) and a sword to a joker. The joker wears a traditional Polish folk hat inscribed with 'XIV' and holds a guitar. ______ Comments: Émile Bellot [L. Bellot] (French, the second half of the 19th century) – engraver, model for a painting by Édouard Manet "Le bon bock", the founder of Le Bon Bock Dinner. Covin, Henri (French, 1845 – 1887) – Musician, arranger. Étienne Carjat (French, 1828 – 1906) – Journalist, caricaturist and photographer. Charles Delacour (French, 18.. – 1898) – Composer. Jean-Baptiste Collignon (French, 18..-1906) – Composer. Ange Flégier (French, 1846 – 1927) – Composer. Joseph Darcier (French, 1819 – 1883) – Composer, singer and actor. Le petite mariée (The Little Bride) – a three-act opéra-bouffe, music by Charles Lecocq, libretto by Eugène Leterrier and Albert Vanloo. La plage de la Baigneuse – beach of Saint Jean de Monts in the Vendée department in the Pays de la Loire region in western France. La Famille du Saltimbanque: L'Enfant Blessé – The Family of Street Acrobats: the Injured Child – painting by Gustave Doré (French, 1832 – 1883) produced in 1873. Henri-Polydore Maubant (1821-1902) – actor, vocalist (baritone) Gabriel Urbain Fauré (French, 1845 – 1924) – French composer, organist, pianist, and teacher. Hervé [Louis Auguste Florimond Ronger] (French, 1825 – 1892) – French singer, composer, librettist, conductor and scene painter, inventor of the genre of operetta in Paris.  
  • Hardcover volume, 25.2 x 20.5 cm, in a double slipcase 26.3 x 21.5 cm; black boards on cloth spine, front board with pasted photocollage in colour, first leaf thick verge paper different to the rest of the edition; top margin red, text printed on cream laid paper without a watermark and adorned with 14 in-text lithographs in black. A suite of 20 coloured lithographs 245 x 195 mm in the inner slipcase. Plates by Berthomme Saint-André. Pagination: [2] blanks, [3-8] 9-100 [101] blank, [2] colophon, limit. [2] blanks. Title-page (red and black): A. DE M. | GAMIANI | ou | deux nuits d'excès | Édition Réalisée | par les soins | et au profit exclusif des | « Vrais Amateurs Romantiques » | (Groupement de bibliophiles) || Limitation: № 1 – on Tonkin à la forme paper with two sets of plates, on Tonkin and one on Arches, printed in colour and in black, etc.; № 2 – similar but with the earlier state of one suite of plates; №№ 3-52 on Arches verge with plates on Tonkin; №№ 53-127 on Arches verge with plates on the same; №№ 128-227 on Rives with the suites on paper watermarked “Japon”; №№ 228-672 on Rives with the suites on the same; 25 copies marked A-Z of which A-J on Arches vergé and suites on Tonkin, and K-Z on Rives. Altogether 697 copies, of which this is copy № 27. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 1650, p. 187-8; honesterotica.com. with a partially different set of in-text illustrations. Alfred de Musset (French, 1810 – 1857) – author. Louis Berthomme Saint-André (French, 1905 – 1977) – artist.
  • Lithography on paper by Charles Fichot (French, 1817 – 1903), published in a supplement to the Illustrated London News of July 6, 1867.

    The construction on the foreground is the International Exposition of 1867 (Exposition universelle d'art et d'industrie de 1867). Dimensions: Sheet: 130 x 58 cm; Image: 118 x 43 cm.
  • Title-page: 30 | et quelques… | attitudes. | {vignette} | LITHOGRAPHIES | ORIGINALES DE | JEAN DE L’ÉTANG || Colophon: ACHEVÉ | D’IMPRIMER | EN | M C MLII || Description: Cream French flapped wrappers enforced with cardboard, in a double slipcase, 30.2 x 24 x 4.5 cm, with a lithograph to front and back depicting the female crotch, front and back, respectively. Printed on wove paper watermarked ‘Johannot’ (produced by Arches, France). Unbound; margins untrimmed. Collation: 2 leaves on the front and 2 on the back with two within the wrappers, incl. colophon, 2 leaves: one blank and one t.p. / limitation, 12 loose gatherings of 4 leaves each (48) with glassine interleaving. Pagination: [1-8] 9-102 [2], total 104 pp (leaves in wrappers not counted). Illustrated with 25 full-page lithographs (incl. covers) and 29 smaller images. Artist’s name Jean de l’Étang is most probably a pseudonym attributed by both J.-P. Dutel and Gérard Nordmann to Jean Dulac (French, 1902 – 1968). Limitation: A print run of 200 copies, of which this is copy № 186 (Nordmann's collection had №184). Cat. raisonné: Dutel III №2511, p. 388; Nordmann II №181, p. 89; Honesterotica.
  • Description: Publisher’s tan French flapped wrappers, in glassine DJ, 25.4 x 19.4 cm, collated in-4to, lettered LA SEMAINE | SECRÈTE DE | VÉNUS | {fleuron} ||, outer margin uncut. Title-page: ≈ | LA SEMAINE | SECRÈTE | DE VÉNUS | Illustrée de huit Dessins | originaux reproduits en | lithographie et coloriés | {vignette} | LA CHRONIQUE CLANDESTINE | ≈ de 1919 à 1925 ≈ || Limitation: Unique copy on Vieux Japon enriched with original drawings and suites of plates, № 1-25 on Japon Imperial, enriched with 1 drawing and 3 suites of plates, № 26-275 on vélin d’Arches «avec les sept lithos en couleurs»; total print run – 275+1. This is copy № 70. Collation: π3 (blank, h.t./limit., t.p.), 1-154 χ1, total 64 leaves plus 7 plates, lithographs after drawings by Marcel Vertès, extraneous to collation. Note: Eight lithographs stated in the title are 7 plates AND a vignette on the title page. Vokaer attributes the printer/publisher as "Imprimerie Daragnès" and the year of publication as 1925. Pagination: [6] 2 blanks, 2 h.t. / limit., 2 t.p., [1-2] 3-115 [7] ; total 128 pages plus ils. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970): № 2386; Pia (Enfer) 1317; Nordmann (1): 246; Vokaer (1967): 8, Contributors : Pierre Mac-Orlan (French, 1882 – 1970) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Paul Cotinaud – publisher (per Dutel) Coulouma (Argenteuil) – printer (per Dutel).
  • Pictorial album 31 x 22.8 cm, bound in quarter red calf over marbled boards with gilt lettering “SCÈNES | DE | LA VIE | PRIVÉE” and gilt ornament to spine; marbled endpapers, flyleaf, blue original wrapper (title-page) lettered SCÈNES | DE LA VIE PRIVÉE. | {vignette} | SIX DESSINS || «Six dessins» struck out, ms inscription beneath “Douze”. Twelve hand-coloured lithographs, some inscribed with letters and/or numbers in reverse, each in a double-rule frame 22 x 16.5 cm, images 18 x 14.5 cm (approx.); series title “Scènes de la vie intime” printed above the frame, image title printed in the lower compartment; ms numbers above the upper-right corner of the frame (state before sequential numbers, ms numbers do not correspond with artist numbering). Flyleaf at the end. Two bookplates to front pastedown: “EX-LIBRIS PAUL GAVAULT” and armorial “IN ROBORE ROBUR | Ex Libris Bourlon de Rouvre”. Content (Roman numerals in parenthesis are publisher's numbers; numerals in italic are Armelhault-Bocher reference numbers):
    1. Titre de la couverture (Title-page) – 2001
    2. (III) Un nid dans les blés (A nest in the wheat) – 2004
    3. (II) Amitié de pension (Friendship in the pension) – 2003
    4. (XI) Bras dessus, bras dessous (Arm up, arm down) – 2012
    5. (I) Causerie (Chat) – 2002
    6. (VI) Prélude (Prelude) – 2007
    7. (IX) Le guet-apens (Ambush) – 2010
    8. (V) Le cabinet noir (The dark chamber) – 2006
    9. (IV) Distraction (Entertainment) – 2005
    10. (X) Leçon de paysage (Landscape lesson) – 2011
    11. (VII) Avant le péché (Before sin) – 2008
    12. (VIII) Après le péché (After sin) – 2009
    13. (XII) La femme du peintre (The painter's wife) – 2013
    Catalogue raisonné: Armelhault-Bocher (2004) p. 478-80, №№ 2001-2013, all marked ‘RRR’ – extremely rare. Ref.: J. Armelhault & E. Bocher. Gavarni: Catalogue raisonné of the graphic work / A revision of the 1873 edition, with essays by Gordon N. Ray and Robert J. Wickenden, and 61 new plates. — San Francisco: Alan Wofsy Fine Arts, 2004 [LIB-1581.2018]. Artist: Paul Gavarni [Sulpice Guillaume Chevalier] (French, 1804 – 1866) Provenance: Charles Bourlon de Rouvre (French, 1850 – 1924) and Paul Armand Marcel Gavault (French, 1866 – 1951).    
  • Softcover, 228 x 180 mm, tan French flapped wrappers with red lettering to front[1-4, owner’s glassine dustcover, top edge trimmed, printed on thick wove paper without a watermark; pp.: ffl [1-4 h.t., t.p.] 5-154 [2 blanks] colophon to back ffl recto, plus 12 plates with hand-coloured lithographs, extraneous to collation. Pencil and pigment drawing to h.t. signed “J. D’A” with gift manual inscription “A Monsieur et Madame Chalamel [sic] ce tardif mais sincère souvenir de sympathie”, signed “J et Y D’A.” Etching bookplate to front ffl recto: “EX LIBRIS PIERRE CHALLAMEL | JE FONCE DANS LE BROUILLARD”, signed “J A M” (Jean-Adrien Mercier). The signature J. D’A stands for Jean d’Angers, while Y D’A stands for Jean-Adrien’s wife Yvonne (1902—1999), nicknamed Zizi; they married in 1927. According to J.-P. Dutel, the stated illustrator of this edition, Jean d’Angers is indeed Jean-Adrien Mercier. The text belongs to Gustav Droz and, possibly, Auguste Poulet-Malassis. Limitation: the book was printed for subscribers in 30 copies on Japon Impériale paper (№№ 1-30) and 250 copies on vélin du Marais paper (№№ 31-280). This copy bears № 123 and was presented as a gift by the artist and his wife to Pierre Challamel. Title-page (red and black): POUR SERVIR | A L'HISTOIRE | DE NOS MŒURS | UN ÉTÉ | A LA CAMPAGNE | CORRESPONDANCE DE DEUX JEUNES PARISIENNES | RECUEILLIE PAR UN AUTEUR A LA MODE | MDCCCLXVIII || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2546; honesterotica. Provenance: Pierre Challamel (French, 20th century) Contributors: Gustave Droz (French, 1832 – 1895) – author (presumable). Auguste Poulet-Malassis (French, 1825 – 1878) – author (presumable). Jean-Adrien Mercier (French, 1899 – 1995) – artist. Micro photo of the lithography:
    Micro photo of the original drawing:
  • Description: Original tan French flapped wrappers with black lettering to front, 22.7 x 14.5 cm, unbound, printed in b/w on thick wove unmarked paper with no plate mark (lithography?), collated in-4to, 1-94 102, total 38 leaves (2 leaves under front wrapper, 1 blank/limit., 1 h.t./blank, 1 t.p./blank, 31 leaves of illustrations printed on one side, 1 last blank, 1 under back wrapper); in a green marbled cardboard folder with lettered paper label to spine. Limitation: Edition limited to 200 copies on vélin de Rives, copies №№ 1-30 enriched with one original drawing, another 15 copies marked H. C. and numbered I-XV. This copy lacks the number, marked (handwritten) d’artiste A. C. (or H. C.) Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 2512, p. 388. Contributor: André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist.
  • Description: Pictorial album 29.7 x 24 cm, bound in ¾ red morocco over marbled boards with gilt lettering “LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE DES ROMANS” and raised bands to spine; marbled endpapers, two flyleaves, tan original wrapper lettered “La Bibliothèque des Romans. (gothic, arch) | {colour vignette} | UNE VEILLÉE DE JEUNE FILLE. | 1840. || Six hand-coloured lithographs, each in a double-rule border with the series title above it and image title below. Sequential numbers are hand-inscribed within the border in the upper-right corner. Frame 23.5 x 18.3 cm, image 21.5 x 16.5 cm. Three flyleaves at the end. A bookplate to front pastedown: “GERARD NORDMANN EX-LIBRIS”. Content:
    1. Front wrapper (title-page)
    2. SŒUR ANNE (Sister Anne)
    3. LA GRISETTE (The grisette)
    4. LÉONIDE OU LA VIEILLE DE SURÊNE (Léonide or the old lady of Surêne)
    5. LA PUCELLE DE BELLEVILLE (The maid of Belleville)
    6. MON VOISIN RAYMOND (My neighbor Raymond)
    7. LE COCU (The cuckold)
    Catalogue raisonné: Nordmann/Christie’s (I) № 127, p. 86 (Lithographic title and 6 erotic plates, in the Romantic style of Achille Devéria. Original pictorial front wrapper preserved) Provenance: Gérard Nordmann (French, 1930 – 1992). Achille Jacques-Jean-Marie Devéria (French, 1800 – 1857).
  • Publisher's flapped folder of black velvet paper with dark green embossed vignette, 494 x 325 mm, with a pink limitation label inside the front cover and a printed spade with 'FIN" inside the back cover; a set of 13 lithographs signed Santippa, 936; 480 x 310 mm each, twelve in black and one (title) coloured with sanguine. Limited edition of 250 copies, 1-100 printed on Hollande and 150 on Japon; this is copy № 127.

    Titles: Rêverie, Gaspillage, Exagération, Simplicité, Gourmandise, Abondance, Violence, Fantaisie, Faiblesse, Curiosité, Obligeance, Surprise.


    Gaston Hoffmann [Santippa] (French, 1883 – 1977)