• Oblong album of forty photogravures printed on wove paper in sanguine after drawings by Mihály Zichy; 31.5 x 40.5 cm gilt-decorated half-parchment over red boards with a gilt diaper design; embossed gilt label in the top left corner “Michael | von Zichy. | Liebe”. Anonymous edition. Bookplate to front pastedown: “P•U•H | EX | LIBRIS”. Photogravures made from the original watercolours and crayon drawings produced in 1874-1879; the original album consisted of 51 compositions was sold at Christie’s sale of Gérard Nordmann collection on December 14-15, 2006 in Paris. Some of these photogravures were reproduced photomechanically and printed in 1869 [LIB-2244.2019] and 1989 [LIB-2242.2019]. Limitation: 300 copies were privately printed in Leipzig in 1911 for subscribers only; photogravure copper plates were destroyed. This is copy 285. Title-page (brown and black): MICHAEL VON ZICHY | LIEBE | VIERZIG ZEICHNUNGEN | PRIVATDRUCK LEIPZIG 1911 || Dimensions: album: 31.5 x 40.5 cm; sheets 31 x 40 cm, uncut. Catalogue raisonné: Bibliothèque érotique: Gérard Nordmann; Livres, manuscrits, dessins, photographies du XVIe au XXe siècle / Catalogues de ventes, seconde partie. — Paris: Christie’s, 2006; p. 280, № 564 (drawings); №  565 photogravures [LIB-2810.2021]. Contributors: Mihály Zichy [Michael von Zichy; Михаил Александрович Зичи] (Hungarian, 1827 – 1906).
  • Description: Oblong volume, 19.3 x 24.2 cm, hardcover in velvet with pasted image, in a pictorial slipcase; printed on glossy paper, unpaginated. Title-page (in frame): ERATO | GRAPHIKEN VON MIHÁLY ZICHY || Collation: (2) h.t., t.p., (30) leaves of plates (4) text by Éva Bros, bibliography, colophon; total 36 leaves. The plates are photomechanical offset copies made from the photogravures of 1911 Leipzig private press edition [SVE-0501.2021], which photogravures made from the original watercolours and crayon drawings produced by Zichy in 1874-1879; the original album of 51 compositions was sold at Christie’s sale of Gérard Nordmann collection on December 14-15, 2006 in Paris. See a copy of the Leipzig album № 285 in this collection [SVE-0501.2021].
  • Description: Oblong volume, 22 x 27 cm, quarter cloth over marbled boards with gilt Zichy’s signature fac-simile and gilt lettering to spine in dust jacket lettered “The | Erotic | Drawings | of | Mihály | Zichy” on both front and back, blurbs on flaps, unclipped; printed on wove paper, unpaginated. Title-page: THE EROTIC DRAWINGS | OF | MIHÁLY ZICHY | Forty drawings | GROVE PRESS INC. | NEW YORK || Collation: (1) h.t., (1) t.p./copyright, (1) Preface; (40) leaves of plates, (1) blank; total 44 leaves. The plates are photomechanical offset copies made from the photogravures of 1911 Leipzig private press edition [SVE-0501.2021] of 300 copies, the copy used for reprint was № 277; photogravures were made from the original watercolours and crayon drawings produced by Zichy in 1874-1879; the original album of 51 compositions was sold at Christie’s sale of Gérard Nordmann collection on December 14-15, 2006 in Paris. Ref.: Bibliothèque érotique: Gérard Nordmann; Livres, manuscrits, dessins, photographies du XVIe au XXe siècle / Catalogues de ventes, seconde partie. — Paris: Christie's, 2006; p. 280, № 564 (drawings); №  565 photogravures [LIB-2810.2021]. See a copy of the Leipzig album № 285 in this collection [SVE-0501.2021].
  • Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 21.7 cm, 25 entries, with colour illustrations, some folding. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on March 28 -April 7, 2006, in NY; pagination: [2] 3-61 [62 blank [2], ils. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
  • Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 21.8 cm, 37 entries, with colour illustrations. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on March 3 - April 5, 2008 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-102 [2], ils. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
  • Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28.1 x 21.7 cm, 63 entries, with colour illustrations, some folding. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on March 17-29, 2018 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-133 [134] [2 blank], ils.; insert: printed invitation. Contributors: Sebastian IzzardHenry Steiner (Austrian-Jewish, b. 1934) – art collector.
  • Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 21.8 cm, 18 entries, with colour illustrations, some folding. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on September 15-18, 1998 in NY; pagination: [2] 3-43 [1], ils. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
  • Hardbound, 25.3 x 22 cm, blue cloth, pictorial dust jacket lettered: HIROSHIGE | FAN PRINTS | RUPERT FAULKNER | {image} | VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM • FAR EASTERN SERIES ||; silver lettering to spine, green endpapers, description of 136 items with colour illustrations; pagination: [1-6] 7-160, ils. Utagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797 – 1858).
  • Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 22 cm, 67 items, with colour illustrations, some folding. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on March 14-20, 2020 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-120 [8], ils. 6 fan prints. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
  • Description: one volume 20 x 12.8 cm, collated 8vo, in grey wrappers (original?), printed on laid paper, with tall “s”, two vignettes by Benoît-Louis Prévost to A1 and A3, 320 entries, where entry 320 Portraits et médaillons, consists of 121 entries itself. Title-page: CATALOGUE | DE L'ŒUVRE | DE CH. NIC. COCHIN FILS, | Ecuyer, Chevalier de l’Ordre du Roy, | Censeur Royal, Garde des Desseins du | Cabinet de Sa Majesté, Secrétaire & | Historiographe de l'Académie Royale | de peinture & de sculpture. | Par Charles-Antoine Jombert. | {vignette by Benoît-Louis Prévost} | A PARIS ; | De l’Imprimerie de Prault. | — | M. DCC. LXX. || Collation: A-I8, K1 (approbation), χ 8 (blanks), two in-text vignettes, total 81 leaves. Pagination: [1-5] 6-144 [145] [17 blanks], ils.; total 162 pages. Ref: Gallica-BnF. Contributors: Charles-Antoine Jombert (French, 1712 – 1784) – author. Charles Nicolas Cochin (French, 1715 – 1790) Benoît-Louis Prévost (French, 1735/47 – 1804) Laurent-François Prault (French, 1712 – 1780)
  • Front wrapper (black and crimson): LES ARTISTES | DU LIVRE | SYLVAIN | SAUVAGE | {device} | HENRY BABOU | ÉDITEUR A PARIS || Title-page: LES ARTISTES DU LIVRE | SYLVAIN | SAUVAGE | ÉTUDE PAR | MARCEL VALOTAIRE | LETTRE-PRÉFACE PAR | ÉMILE HENRIOT | PORTRAIT PAR | E. DUFOUR | {fleuron} | HENRY BABOU, ÉDITEUR | 1, RUE VERNIQUET, PARIS | 1929 || Description: 26.5 x 21 cm, French flapped tan wrappers with black and crimson lettering, lettering to spine, unbound; [2] 1st blank, [2] h.t./limit., [4] fac-simile a.l.s. by Émile Henriot, [2] t.p./blank, 7-43 [4], total 27 leaves of text with in-text illustrations b/w and colour, plus 10 plates: 9 plates by Sauvage and 1 collotype reproduction portrait of Sauvage by Émilien Dufour, incl. Bibliographie des ouvrages, Table des hors-texte, and Colophon. Printing: November 1929 by Durcos & Colas in Paris. Edition: the 8th edition in the series “Les artistes du livre’, published under the direction of Marcel Valotaire; print run limited to 700 copies of which 50 on Japon enriched with one original etching, 650 copies on Vélin Blanc from Johannot, and 50 “non-commercial” copies (I-L). This copy is № 167. Contributors: Sylvain Sauvage [Félix Roy] (French, 1888 – 1948) – artist. Émile Henriot (French, 1889 – 1961) – author. Émilien Dufour (French, 1894 – 1975) – artist. Maitres-imprimeurs Ducros et Colas (Paris) – printer. Henry Babou (Paris) – publisher. Marcel Valotaire (French, 1889 – 1979) – author.
  • Description: Limited softcover edition in grey publisher’s wrappers 27 x 21 cm, lettered in a frame “MICHEL VOKAER | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | de | Marcel VERTÈS | PREFACE DE CLAUDE ROGER-MARX | Avec quatre dessins inédits de Vertès | — | EMILE RELECOM | BRUXELLES ||, lettered spine, pp. [1-4 h.t., t.p.] 5-34 [35, 36 blanks] [37 limitation] [38 blank] [39 colophon] [40 blank]; 40 pages total plus 4 photomechanical reproductions of Vertès’ unpublished drawings on glossy paper, extraneous to collation. Catalogue of 82 entries. Received uncut. Title-page: similar to front wrapper, plus «1967» in the bottom under BRUXELLES. Limitation: 7 copies (A-G) on Japon chamois + 2 suites of plates, 25 copies (1-25) on Hollande Van Gelder + 1 suite of plates, 450 copies (26-475)  on offset Arduenna, and 40 copies not hor sale (I-XL) on different papers. The total print run is 522 copies, of which this is № 206. Ref: leslibraires.fr Contributors: Michel Vokaer (Belgian, 20th century) – author. Claude Roger-Marx (Jewish-French, 1888 – 1977) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Xavier Gustave Emile Relecom (Belgian, 1900 – 1977) – publisher.
  • Description: 24.4 x 15.9 cm, softcover in-8vo, light-green publisher's wrappers, lettered in black to both covers and and spine; bookplate pasted to verso of the front wrapper: “LE GÉNIE DE LA GRAVURE | CONSOLE LE GÉNIE DU DESSIN | {vignette} | BIBLIOTHÈQUE DE CLAUDETTE HOULD || Title-page: ÉCOLE PRATIQUE DES HAUTES ÉTUDES — IVe SECTION | Sciences historiques et philologiques | — | VI | HISTOIRE ET CIVILISATION DU LIVRE | 18 | CHRISTIAN MICHEL | CHARLES-NICOLAS COCHIN | ET LE LIVRE ILLUSTRÉ | AU XVIIIe SIÈCLE | Avec un catalogue raisonné des | livres illustrés par Cochin | 1735-1790 | Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Centre national | de la Recherche scientifique | {device} | GENÈVE | LIBRAIRIE DROZ | 11, rue Massot | 1987 ||; front wrapper also has in the bottom: Librairie CHAMPION, 7 quai Malaquais – Paris || Collation: 8vo; [1]-258, 26 leaves of plates (fig. 1-169) extraneous to collation, 26+[27]14 288; plates: unpaginated photo reproduction of Cochin’s 169 drawings and engravings; quire 27 unsigned, together with quire 26 makes 14 leaves. Pagination: [i-vii] viii-x, [1] 2-431 [423 colophon] [2 blank], 26 leaves of plates. Provenance: Claudette Hould, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, spécialiste d’histoire de l’art français. Ref.: British Museum. Publisher: Droz Charles-Nicolas Cochin (French, 1715 – 1790) See Cochin's illustrated books in this collection: LIB-2941.2021LIB-2766.2021LIB-2640.2021LIB-2529.2020.
  • Two volumes, one with text, another with plates, 31.9 x 24.2 cm each, uniformly bound in bead-grain grey cloth, silver lettering to spine, black label with gilt lettering. Title-page: STEFANO DELLA BELLA | Catalogue Raisonné | Alexandre De Vesme | with | Introduction and Additions | by | Phyllis Dearborn Massar | — | TEXT (PLATES) | — | {publisher’s device} |Collectors Editions || Text: [i-vi] vii-viii [1-2] 3-230 [2], ils. Plates: [6] [1-3] 4-241 [242]. Contributors: Stefano Della Bella (Italian, 1610 – 1664) Alessandro Baudi di Vesme [Alexandre de Vesme] (Italian, 1854 – 1923) Phyllis Dearborn Massar (American, 1916 – 2011)
  • Printed on-demand, pictorial softcover, 22.9 x 15.2 cm, front: MARTIN | VAN MAELE |{fac-simile il.}| AN ILLUSTRATED | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CHECKLIST | S. A. PERRY ||, blurb to back, lettering to spine, pp.: [12] [1] 2-207 [3] (total 222 pages), 107 reproductions of van Maele illustrations, 94 items bibliographical description. Title-page: S. A. PERRY. | Martin Van Maele | An Illustrated Bibliographical Checklist | 2015 || in a double-fillet frame. Colophon: Made in the USA | Las Vegas, NV | 26 December 2021. Maurice François Alfred Martin van Maële [Martin van Maële] (French, 1863 – 1926).
  • Title-page (in red and black): Keramic art of Japan, | BY | GEORGE A. AUDSLEY | AND | JAMES L. BOWES. | LONDON: HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., | 36 PICADILLY; 136, STRAND; 77 & 78, QUEEN STREET, CITY. | MANCHESTER: 49, CROSS STREET. | MDCCCLXXXI. || Description: 28.5 x 19.5 cm, publisher’s red cloth, bevelled boards, gilt lettering and tooling on front cover and spine, AEG, disbound. 304 p., 10 pl., 32 chromo-lithographed plates. This is the 2nd edition of the 1875 folio edition by the same publisher.. Contents: Introductory essay on Japanese art: p. 1-107; Keramic art of Japan: p. 108-260; Marks and monograms: p. 261-287, Index: p. 288-304. Contributors: George Ashdown Audsley (American, 1838 – 1925) – author. James Lord Bowes (British, 1834 – 1899) – author.
  • Title-page: LES ARTISTES DU LIVRE | MARCEL | VERTÈS | ÉTUDE PAR | ANDRÉ SALMON | LETTRE-PRÉFACE PAR | PAUL MORAND | PORTRAIT PAR | JEAN OBERLÉ | { publisher’s device} | HENRY BABOU, ÉDITEUR | 1, RUE VERNIQUET, PARIS | 1930 || Description: 26.3 x 20.5 cm, French flapped brown wrappers with black and blue lettering, lettering to spine, unbound, [1-2] 1st blank leaf, [3-4] h.t. / limitation, two plates (fac-simile letter and portrait of Vertès), [5-6] t.p. /”Cette monographie…”, 7-39 [40-48], incl. Bibliographie des ouvrages, Table des planches, and colophon – all with in-text illustrations; plus 22 leaves of plates, one on a double-page, all with foxing and marginal browning. Printing: December 1930 by Durcos & Colas in Paris. Edition: the 17th edition in the series “Les artistes du livre’, published under the direction of Marcel Valotaire; print run limited to 700 copies of which 50 on Japon (numbered 1-50) enriched with one original unpublished drypoint, 650 copies on Vélin Blanc from Arches (50-650), and 50 “non-commercial” copies (I-L). This copy is numbered № 473. Contributors: Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. André Salmon (French, 1881 – 1969) – author. Paul Morand (French, 1888 – 1976) – author. Jean Oberlé (French, 1900 – 1961) – artist. Maitres-imprimeurs Ducros et Colas (Paris) – printer. Henry Babou (Paris) – publisher. Marcel Valotaire (French, 1889 – 1979) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Exhibition held December 4, 2007, to March 2, 2008, at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Title: L'enfer de la Bibliothèque | ÉROS AU SECRET | Sous la direction | de Marie-Françoise Quignard | et Raymond-Josué Seckel | [spase] | {BnF | Bibliothèque nationale de France || Description: 23 x 16 cm, publisher’s lettered wrappers and pictorial dust jacket, [1-17] 18-460 [4], ils.; 257 entries, 8 pp. bibliography, 10 pp. index.
  • Title page: HIGHLIGHTS of the COLLECTION | Maiolica: Italian Renaissance Ceramics | IN THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART | Timothy Wilson | with an essay by Luke Syson | {publisher’s device}| The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York | DISTRIBUTED BY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS | NEW HAVEN AND LONDON || Pagination: [i-v] vi-xi [xii] [1, 2] 3-380. New/mint. Binding: 31 x 22.5 cm, blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine, pictorial DJ.
  • Title page: ITALIAN | RENAISSANCE | MAIOLICA | ELISA P. SANI | with a preface by J.V.G. Mallet and | contributions from Reino Liefkes | V&A PUBLISHING || Pagination: [1-6] 7-192, ils. Binding: Black cloth, gilt lettering to spine; pictorial DJ. Mint/New. Size: 27.7 x 22.2 cm.
  • Title page: Romeyn de Hooghe | the etcher | Contemporary portrayal of Europe 1662-1707 | {Space} | A. W. Sijthoff-Leiden | Oceana-Dobbs Ferry N.Y. | MCMLXXIII || Pagination: [1-7] 8-406 colophon, [2 blank], ils. Binding: Oblong 24.6 x 34 cm, green cloth with gilt lettering to front cover and spine, in a pictorial slipcase 25.3 x 34.1 cm. Edition: 1st edition, limited to 1,000 copies, this is copy № 97 (stamped in black ink). Contributors: Romeyn de Hooghe (Dutch, 1645 – 1708) – artist. John H. Landwehr (Dutch, 1924 – 2015) – author. Verenigde Offset-Bedrijven BV (Hardenberg) – printer.
  • Title page: JOHN LANDWEHR | ROMEYN DE HOOGHE | (1645-1708) | AS BOOK ILLUSTRATOR | A BIBLIOGRAPHY | {space} | 1970 | AMSTERDAM: VANGENDT & CO | NEW YORK: ABNER SCHRAM || Pagination: [1-6] 7-247 [248 blank], ils. Content:109 entries, concordance table and 12 pp. of indices. Binding: 27.3 x 19.7 cm, green cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket. ISBN: 90 6300 467 2. Contributors: Romeyn de Hooghe (Dutch, 1645 – 1708) John Landwehr – author.

    Van Gendt & Co. (Amsterdam) – publisher.

    Abner Schram Ltd. (NY) – publisher.    
  • Title page: ROMEYN DE HOOGHE | VIRTUOSO ETCHER | JOSEPH B. DALLETT | with | Tatyana Petukhova LaVine | edited by | Andrew C. Weislogel | HERBERT F. JOHNSON MUSEUM OF ART | CORNELL UNIVERSITY || Pagination: [1-5] 6-96; 57 entries, bibliography. Binding: 28 x 21.7 cm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers. Contributors: Romeyn de Hooghe (Dutch, 1645 – 1708) Joseph B. Dallett – author/introduction. Andrew C. Weislogel – editor. Tatyana Petukhova LaVine – contributor.
  • Publisher’s blue wrapper: DÜRERS | KUPFERSTICHE UND HOLZSCHNITTE. | EIN KRITISCHES VERZEICHNIS | VON | R. v. RETBERG. | MÜNCHEN. | THEODOR ACKERMANN. | 1871. || Title page: similar to front wrapper, 2.5 cm cut at the bottom, text not affected. Pagination: front wrapper with lettering in a frame, flyleaf, [4] 1-169 [170 blank] [2], flyleaf, back wrapper with imprint plus 2 plates (frontis., Il. entry №129, and op. p., il. entry 100 № 260, printed on laid paper without watermark). Collation: π2 1-88 9-134 142, plus 2 plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece. Binding: 26.4 x 17.5 cm, quarter green morocco over marbled boards, black compartment fillets and lettering to spine, publisher’s wrappers preserved. Marks: bookplate 6 x 9 cm to front pastedown: “БИБЛИОТЕКА | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО | ЭРМИТАЖА ИЗ СОБРАНИЯ | СТЕПАНА ПЕТРОВИЧА | ЯРЕМИЧА | (1869 – 1939)”, purple ink stamp “В ПРОДАЖУ”. To front wrapper: Ink manuscript on top “Dr. Lichtenstein”… etc., black ink seal of rampant lion and pencil number “949” in the middle; pencil marks to p. 162.

    Contents: Inhalt - Berichtigungen - Vorwort und Einleitendes - Dürers Lebenskizze - [Text] - Nachtrag zu Dürers "Lebenskizze". A critical directory of Albrecht Dürer (German, 1471 – 1528) copperplate engravings and woodcuts by Ralf von Retberg (German, 1812 – 1885): the description of 167 woodcuts and 103 copperplate engravings.

    Provenance: From the collection of a Russian artist Stepan Petrovich Yaremich, sold by Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. Ref: Royal Academy.
  • Title: Antoinette Faÿ-Hallé • Christine Lahaussois | Le grand livre de la | faïence française | Office du livre || Dedication (to imprint): A Jeanne Giacomotti (author of French Faience, Oldbourne Press, London, 1963) Pagination: [1-6] 7-242 [2], 300 illustrations, incl. 150 in colour. Binding: 29 x 25.5 cm, grey paper, blind-stamped to front cover, white lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket. Contributors: Antoinette Faÿ- Hallé (French, 20th century) – Chargée du Musée national de céramique de Sèvres Christine Lahaussois (French, 20th century) – Chargée de conservation, Musée national de céramique, Sèvres  
  • Title: Masterpieces | of French Faience | SELECTIONS FROM THE | SIDNEY R. KNAFEL COLLECTION | Charlotte Vignon | with Sidney R. Knafel | The Frick Collection, New York | in association with D Giles Limited, London | {device} || Pagination: [1-6] 7-72. Contributors: Charlotte Vignon (American, b. c. 1975) – Curator of Decorative Arts at The Frick Collection. Sidney R. Knafel (American, b. c. 1950) – Collector.
  • Vol. 1: Front cover and title page: LES CONTES | DE BOCCACE | ☙ DECAMERON ❧ | TRADUIT DE L'ITALIEN | PAR | ANTOINE LE MAÇON | LES CINQ | PREMIÈRES JOURNÉES | ILLUSTRATIONS DE | BRUNELLESCHI | {vignette} | GIBERT JEUNE | LIBRAIRIE D'AMATEURS | 61, BOULEVARD SAINT-MICHEL, 61 | PARIS || Pagination: [6] 1-342 [343-4] [10], 16 colour plates and 70 b/w head- and tailpieces after Umberto Brunelleschi. Vol. 2: Front cover and title page: LES CONTES | DE BOCCACE | ☙ DECAMERON ❧ | TRADUIT DE L'ITALIEN | PAR | ANTOINE LE MAÇON | LES CINQ | DERNIÈRES JOURNÉES | ILLUSTRATIONS DE | BRUNELLESCHI | {vignette} | GIBERT JEUNE | LIBRAIRIE D'AMATEURS | 61, BOULEVARD SAINT-MICHEL, 61 | PARIS || Pagination: [6] 1-281 [282] [10], 16 colour plates and 68 b/w head- and tailpieces after Umberto Brunelleschi. Edition: Limited to 2,500 copies, of which this is № 1. Edition supplemented with two full extra sets of plates, 32 in black and white, and 32 in colour. Printed on June 25, 1934. Binding: 26.5 x 20.5 cm; cream flapped wrappers (French softcover) with green and black lettering and vignettes to front cover and spine, publisher’s device on the back; uncut copy. Paper: Vélin de Navarre (wove paper), size: 260 x 200 mm. Contributors: Giovanni Boccaccio (Italian, 1313 – 1375) – author. Antoine Le Maçon (French, c. 1500 – 1559) – translator. Umberto Brunelleschi (Italian, 1879 – 1949) – artist. Malexis, Louis (French, 20 century) – mise en page. Coulouma, Robert (French, 1887 – 1976), Imprimerie Coulouma (Argenteuil) – printer, H. Barthélemy – director. Dantan, A. – engraver (probably from the family of Edouard Joseph Dantan (French, 1848 – 1897) Charpentier, E. – colour au pochoir. Compare this copy with a small one-volume reprint of 1941: [LIB-2773.2021]. Description of the stensil (au pochoir) technique.
  • Title page (in red and black): FRENCH ROCOCO | BOOK ILLUSTRATION | OWEN E. HOLLOWAY | {vignette} | LONDON/ALEC TIRANTI/1969 || Series: Pagination: [2 blanks], [i-iv] v-vi, 1-115 [116 blank], plus 65 leaves of plates (283 illustrations). Binding: 25.5 x 19 cm; publisher's navy buckram, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket, unclipped.
  • Title page: The Art of the | French Illustrated Book | 1700 to 1914 | VOLUME I (II) | Gordon N. Ray | The Pierpont Morgan Library | Cornell University Press || Pagination: vol.1: [8] ix-xxxii, [2] 3-245 [3], illustr.; vol.2: [8] 247-557 [5], illustr. Both volumes paginater through out. Binding: 30.5 x 23.5 cm, two volumes uniformly bound in red cloth, gilt vignette to front cover, gilt lettering to spine; bookplate to front pastedown, ex-lib (Sweet Briar College Library) Contributors: Ray, Gordon Norton (American, 1915 – 1986) – author. Lange, Thomas V. – formal bibliographical description. Passela, Charles V. – photography. The Pierpont Morgan Library – Copyright © 1982
  • Title page: The | Illustrator | and the Book | in England | from | 1790 to 1914 | Gordon N. Ray | The Pierpont Morgan Library | Oxford University Press || Pagination: [i-viii] ix-xxxiii [xxxiv], [1-2] 3-336 [4], illustr. Binding: 30.5 x 23.5 cm; publisher’s blue cloth, gilt lettering in a figural frame to front, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial endpapers. Ex-lib (University of Virginia). Contributors: Ray, Gordon Norton (American, 1915 – 1986) – author. Lange, Thomas V. – formal bibliographical description. Passela, Charles V. – photography. The Pierpont Morgan Library – Copyright © 1976
  • Title page: GUIDE DE L’AMATEUR | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ILLUSTRES | DU | XIXe SIÈCLE | PRINCIPALEMENT DES LIVRES A GRAVURES SUR BOIS | PAR | JULES BRIVOIS | AUTEUR DE LA BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE L’ŒUVRE DE P.-J. BÉRANGER | MEMBRE FONDATEUR DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DES AMIS DES LIVRES | — | PARIS | LIBRAIRIE L. CONQUET | 5, RUE DROUOT, 5 | 1883 || Justification: Il a été tire : | 900 exemplaires sur papier vergé. | Et 50 exemplaires sur grand papier de Hollande. | Tous sont numérotés et paraphes par l’auteur. | № {188 signature} | Les numéros pairs portent le nom de M. L. Conquet. | Et les numéros impairs celui de M. P. Rouquette. | — | Le dépôt légal sera fait en France et dans tous les pays avec lesquels il | existe des conventions pour la propriété littéraire. | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination : [2] blank, [i-v] vi-xiii [xiv], [1] 2-468; the total number of pages = 484. Collation: π8 1-288   2910, an asterisk on leaf 295; the total number of leaves 242; 3 blank leaves of wove paper before and after collation. Imprint to 11 : Imp. de Mme de Lacombe; Imprint to 2910 : Nancy, imprimerie Berger-Levrault et Cie. Binding: ¾ polished distressed calf over marbled boards by the previous owner "E.D", gilt-stamped spine with gilt-lettered black label, peacock marbled endpapers, printed on laid paper. Contributors: Jules Brivois (French, 1832 – 1920) – author. L. Conquet (Paris) – publisher. P. Rouquette (Paris) – publisher. Berger-Levrault et Cie – printer.  
  • Title page: THE ART OF | MAHLON BLAINE | A Reminiscence | by G. Legman | with a Mahlon Blaine bibliography | compiled by Roland Trenary | {Blaine’s fac-simile} | Peregrine Books | 1982 || Pagination: [1-4] 5-26 + 84 pp. of illustrations, unpaginated. Collation: 13 leaves of text, 40 leaves of b/w plates, and 2 leaves of colour plates, 55 leaves total. Binding: 29 x 22.5 cm; publisher’s black cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial endpapers, pictorial dust jacket. Edition: Limited edition of 100 copies (this is №100), signed by Gelman, Trenary, and Arrington. Contributors: Blaine, Mahlon (American, 1894 – 1969) – illustrator. Legman, Gershon (American, 1917 – 1999) – author. Arrington, Robert L. (American, 1984 – 2015) – author, introduction. Trenary, Roland (American) – author, compiler. Peregrine Books (East Lansing, MI) – publisher.
  • Pictorial title page in blue and black: Louis Icart | Erotica | William R. Holland | {vignette} | Schiffer | Publishing Ltd | 4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19310 USA || Pagination: [1-6] 7-175 [176], plates within pagination. Binding: black cloth, blue lettering to front cover and spine, marbled endpapers, pictorial dust jacket: Louis Icart | Erotica | William R. Holland | With Value Guide | A Schiffer book for collectors || Contributors: Louis Icart (French, 1888 – 1950) – artist. William R. Holland (American, fl. c. 2000) – author. Schiffer Publishing Ltd., – publisher.
  • Cover and title, in green and black: VINGT CONTES | DE BOCCACE / TRADUITS DE L’ITALIEN |PAR | ANTOINE LE MAÇON | ILLUSTRATIONS DE | BRUNELLESCHI | {vignette} | GIBERT JEUNE | LIBRAIRIE D’AMATEURS | 61, BOULEVARD SAINT-MICHEL, 61 | PARIS || Pagination : [4] 1-165 [7] with 19 black head- and tailpieces, plus 16 colour plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece, printed by J. Dumoulin and stencil-coloured (au pochoir) by E. Charpentier after gouache and watercolour drawings by Umberto Brunelleschi, plus 2 blank flyleaves; total 106 leaves. Limited edition of 3,000 copies, this is № 1630. Printed by Louis Malexis at Imprimerie J. Dumoulin, Paris (H. Barthélemy, director) on May 28, 1941. Binding: 20.5 x 13.5 cm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers, vignettes and lettering to front wrapper and spine, publisher’s device to back wrapper. Contributors: Giovanni Boccaccio (Italian, 1313 – 1375) – author Antoine Le Maçon (French, c. 1500 – 1559) – translator Umberto Brunelleschi (Italian, 1879 – 1949) – artist Joseph Dumoulin (French, 1875 – 1953) – printer The first, 2-volume limited edition (2,500 copies) of Les Contes de Boccace Decameron (les cinq premières journées, les cinq dernières journées) was published by Gibert Jeune, Librairie d’Amateurs in 1934 with 70 black and 32 colour designs after Brunelleschi – see [LIB-2813.2021]. Description of the stensil (au pochoir) technique.
  • Title: Revolution, Krieg und Streik, | Weltausstellung und Volksfest | Der Illustrator und Karikaturist | Leo von Elliot (1816–1890) | von Eckhart G. Franz | Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt 2000 || Series: Arbeiten der Hessischen Historischen Kommission, Neue Folge Band 17. Pagination: [1-6] 7-340, 458 b/w illustration. Binding: hardcover, red pictorial boards, 30 x 21.5 cm.
  • Publisher’s original wrappers, with VIDBERGS to front (bordered) and to spine, size 25 x 18 cm. Title page: O. LIEPIŅŠ | SIGISMUNDS | VIDBERGS | MONOGRAFIJA | K. RASIŅA APGĀDS | RIGĀ 1942 || Imprint: ATTĒLI MĀKSLINIEKA IZRAUDZĪTI UN SAKĀRTOTI (pictures selected and arranged by the artist) Pagination: [1-6] (incl. 1st blank leaf), 7-149 [150] [2] blank; 44 pages of text with in-text illustrations, pp. 47-149 – plates on odd pages, titles on even pages, 51 full-page illustrations. Circulation: 4,000 copies. Contributors: Liepiņš, Olģerts (Latvian, 1906 – 1983) – author. Sigismunds Vidbergs (Latvian-American, 1890 – 1970) – artist. Kārlis Rasiņš (Latvian, 1886 – 1974) – publisher.
  • Five volumes, uniformly bound in marbled three-colour stained polished calf, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, crimson label with gilt lettering “CONTES DE BOCCACE”, cream label with volume number, marbled endpapers and all edges; bookplate pasted to first blank flyleaf “BIBLIOTHÈQUE DE LAJUDIE” depicting a coat of arms over an anchor, anchors and tulips scattered in the upper section, globe in the lower section, in a frame. Size: 21 x 14 cm. Translated by Antoine Le Maçon (French, 1500? – 1559). Vol. 1: [4] two blank leaves, portrait by Louis Lempereur after Hubert Gravelot, engraved t.p.: LE | DECAMERON | DE JEAN | BOCCACE. | TOME I. | Londres | 1757. | H. Gravelot Inv. […] T.P. N 21 […] J. Aliamet Sculp. ||, engraved frontispiece to Vie de Jean Bocace by Lempereur after Gravelot; Pagination: [i] ii-viii (Vie de Jean Bocace with head- and tail-pieces); [1] 2-320 [2] one blank leaf. Collation: 8vo; a4 A-V8, 164 leaves + 6 blanks + 24 plates (incl. portrait, frontis., and t.p.) extraneous to collation, 1 headpiece and 18 tailpieces. Vol. 2: [4] two blank leaves, engraved t.p.: LE | DECAMERON | DE JEAN | BOCCACE. | TOME II. | Londres 1757 | H. Gravelot inv. […] T.II. N.1. […] N. LeMire Sculp .||; Pagination: [1] 2-292 [2] one blank leaf. Collation: 8vo; A-S8 T2, 146 leaves + 3 blanks + 23 plates (incl. t.p.) extraneous to collation, and 18 tailpieces. Vol. 3: [4] two blank leaves, engraved t.p.: LE | DECAMERON | DE JEAN | BOCCACE. | TOME III. | Londres 1757 | Gravelot inv. […] T.III. N.1. […] Aillamet Sc. ||; Pagination: [1] 2-203 [204] [2] one blank leaf. Collation: 8vo; A-M8 N6, 102 leaves + 3 blanks + 23 plates (incl. t.p.) extraneous to collation, and 18 tailpieces. Vol. 4: [4] two blank leaves, engraved t.p.: LE | DECAMERON | DE JEAN | BOCCACE. | TOME IV. | Lond 1761 | Gravelot invenit […] T.IV. №.I. […] Alliamet Sculpsit. ||; Pagination: [1] 2-280 [2] one blank leaf. Collation: 8vo; A-R8 S4, 140 leaves + 3 blanks + 23 plates (incl. t.p.) extraneous to collation, and 20 tailpieces. Vol. 5: [4] two blank leaves, engraved t.p.: LE | DECAMERON | DE JEAN | BOCCACE. | TOME V. | Londres 1761 | Gravelot, inv. […] T.V. N.1. […] Aillamet Sc. ||; Pagination: [1] 2 [3] 4-269 [270] [2] one blank leaf. Collation: 8vo; A-Q8 R7, 135 leaves + 3 blanks + 23 plates (incl. t.p.) extraneous to collation, and 22 tailpieces. Total plates: 24+23+23+23+23=112; total vignettes: 19+ 18 + 18 +20 + 22 = 94; total etchings and engravings: 213. Ref: MFA ACCESSION NUMBER 37.1371a-e; Cohen-de Ricci 160; Ray, French Illustrated Book, 15 / p. 39-41; Metropolitan Museum, NY (Accession Number: 17.3.2641). Contributors: Authors: Giovanni Boccaccio (Italian, 1313–1375);  Filippo Villani [Philippe-Matthieu Villani] (Italian, 1325 – 1407)Illustrated by: Hubert François Gravelot (French, 1699–1773). Artists: Charles Eisen (French, 1720–1778); François Boucher (French, 1703–1770); Charles-Nicolas Cochin le fils (French, 1715–1790), Jacques Aliamet (French, 1726–1788) Engravers: Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721–1777); Jean Jacques Flipart (French, 1719–1782); Louis Legrand (French, 1723–1807); Noël Le Mire (French, 1724–1801); Louis Simon Lempereur (French, 1725–1796); Catherine Elisabeth (Cousinet) Lempereur (French, born in 1726); Jean-Jacques André Le Veau (French, 1729–1786); Pierre Etienne Moitte (French, 1722–1780); Jean Ouvrier (French, 1725–1784); Jean Jacques Pasquier (French, died in 1785); Pierre (Pitre) Martenasie (Flemish, worked in France, died in 1770?); Augustin de Saint-Aubin (French, 1736–1807); Dominique Sornique (French, 1708 – 1756); Jacques Nicolas Tardieu (French, 1716–1791). Publisher: Prault (French, 18th century) Note: MFA copy has a slightly different collation: [v. 1] 152 leaves, plus plates; [v. 2] 136 ll., plus pls.; [v. 3] 98 ll., plus pls.; [v. 4] 131 ll., plus pls.; [v. 5] 124 ll., plus pls. This is their description: "First edition with these illustrations; a French translation (Cohen-de Ricci 160) appeared slightly later. Gravelot designed 89 of the 111 plates, and all 97 of the tailpieces, his largest single commission. Some 115 of his preliminary sketches by this series are in the Rosenwald Collection, Library of Congress; 131 of the final engraver's models are in the Widener Collection at the National Gallery of Art; and two other finished drawings are in the Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library. Ten plates were designed by Eisen, and Cochin and Boucher had six each. As some plates in the later volumes are dated as late as 1761, the actual issuing of the volumes apparently extended to that date."
  • Title: THE IDEALS OF THE EAST | WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE | TO THE ART OF JAPAN | BY KAKASU OKAKURA | LONDON | JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET | 1903 || Collation: 8vo; ffl, [2] (t.p., prep. note) [a]4 b4, A-P8 Q4. Pagination: ffl, [I, ii] – h.t. / blank, [iii, iv] – t.p. / blank, [v, vi] – preparatory note / blank, vii-xxii, [1] 2-244, [1] 2-4 (Works for art lovers). Binding: Burgundy cloth, red flowers and lettering to cover, gilt lettering to spine. Size: 19.5 x 13 cm Contributors: Author: Okakura Kakuzō [岡倉 覚三] (1863 – 1913). Publisher: Murray, Sir John IV (1851–1928); John Murray (publishing house). Printer: Ballantyne, Hanson & Co., Edinburgh, London.
  • Title: OLD DUTCH | POTTERY AND TILES | BY ELISABETH | NEURDENBURG | LITT. D., READER IN THE HISTORY OF ART AT | THE UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN. TRANSLATED | WITH ANNOTATIONS BY | Bernard Rackham | DEPUTY KEEPER, DEPARTMENT | OF CERAMICS, VICTORIA AND | ALBERT MUSEUM | […] | WITH ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE | ILLUSTRATIONS OF WHICH NINE | ARE IN COLOUR | LONDON: BENN BROTHERS, LIMITED | 8 BOUVERIE STREET, E.C. 4 | 1923 || Verso to half-title: Of this book 100 copies only for sale have been printed on English | hand-made paper, bound in pigskin and signed by the Authoress | and Translator. These copies also contain an extra colour plate. | This in Number “7” (in manuscript) | Two signatures (ink, manuscript) || Pagination: [i, ii] – h.t. / tirage, [iii, iv] – t.p. / imprint, [v, vi] – dedication to Dr. A. Pit / blank, vii-xv [xvi blank] [1, 2] 3-155 [156 blank], frontispiece (colour) and 59 leaves of plates (9 colour) with 112 figures, with lettered protective sheets. Collation: 4to in 8th; [A]8 [B]8 C-K8 L6; frontis., +59 leaves of plates. Binding: 30 x 24 cm, Full dark brown pigskin with gilt ornament to front board and gilt lettering to spine; printed on thick wove paper, top edge gilt, others untrimmed. Contributors: Neurdenburg, Elisabeth (Dutch, 1882 – 1957) – author [autograph]. Rackham, Bernard (British, 1876 – 1964) – translator [autograph]. Brendon, William (British, 1845 – 1928) – printer. Mayflower Press (Plymouth), William Brendon & Son, Ltd. – printer Benn Brothers Ltd. (British company, 1880 – 1987) Benn, Sir John, 1st Baronet (British, 1850 – 1922)
  • Hardcover in blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket, 25.5 x 19.5 cm, pp.: [1-4] 5-452, +12 colour plates; 576 b/w plates within the pagination.
  • Binding: 25. 3 x 19.5 cm, light blue cloth, black labels with gilt lettering to cover and spine. Title: Dictionary of | Victorian | Wood Engravers | {fleuron} | Rodney K Engen | Chadwyck-Healey || Pagination: frontispiece; [i-iv] v-xxi [2] 3-297 [298]. Author’s signature dated 1987 to recto frontis.
  • Engraved title page:
    • In an oval cartouche at the centre, flanked by female personifications of Painting and Poetry, surmounted by an eagle, Mars and Envy chained by Cupid below: HET GULDEN CABINET | VANDE EDEL VRY SCHILDER, CONST | INHOUDENDE | DEN LOF VANDE VERMARSTE | SCHILDERS, | ARCHITECTE, BELDTHOWERS | ENDE PLAETSNYDERS | VAN DESE EEVW | DOOR | CORN: DE BIE NOTS. | TOT | LIER | 1661. ||
    • In lower margin below the image frame: t’Antwerpen gedruckt by Ian Meyssens Constvercooper op de Eyermert inden goude Rexdalder | Abrah. a Diepenbeck delin. — Cornelis Meyssens sculpsit. || Handwritten inscription below: Frederik Verachter
    Letterpress title: HET GULDEN CABINET | VANDE EDEL VRY | SCHILDER – CONST | ontsloten door den lanck ghevvenschten | Vrede tusschen de tvee mach- | tighe Croonen van SPAIGNIEN | EN | VRANCRYCK, | Waer-inne begrepen is den ontstersse- | lijcken loss vande vermaerste | Constminnende Geesten | ENDE | SCHILDERS | Van dese Eeuvv, hier inne meest near het | leven as-gebeldt , verciert met veel ver- | makelijcke Rijmen ende Spreucken. | DOOR | Cornelis de Bie Notaris binnen Lyer. || Pagination: 2 binder’s blank leaves, engraved t.p.,[1, 2] letterpress t.p., 3-585 [586] – approbatie, [2] – colophon / blank, 1 binder’s blank leaf. Collation: Engr. t.p., A-Aaaa4 Bbbb2, plates within a collation.

    Cornelis de Bie. Het Gulden Cabinet. — Antwerp: [J. van Montfort for] Jan Meyssens, 1661 [colophon: 1662]. First edition, quarto, with engraved title, added portrait of De Bie dated 1708 mounted and inserted*, illustrated with 97 full-page engravings of artists, and an engraving of a personification of the city of Rome repeated five times; bound in full contemporary Dutch parchment over boards, tooled in blind, titled on spine; ex libris Frederik Verachter (Dutch, 1797 – 1870), archivist of the Antwerp city library, with pages of notes in his hand, signature to title, and inserted leaf with extra biographical information about one of the 280 artists of the Low Countries profiled and illustrated in this volume; contents good; ex libris Gustave Van Havre (Dutch, 1817 – 1892), with his armorial bookplate inside the front board, 24 x 19.5 x 4.5 cm.

    Catalogue raisonné: J. F. Van Someren (1888) pp. 200-202. * CORNELIUS DE BIE. ÆT. 81. 1708. | Dat Ick op D'aard Niet Anders Ben | Als Stof En Assen Ick Beken: | En Alle Mijnen Arrebeijd | Noch Van Veel Minder Weerdigheijt. || J. C. de Cock delin: — H. F. diamaer Sculpsit Antv: Ref.: Royal Collection Trust. Backer, Jacob de (Flemish, c. 1555 – c. 1585) (artist) Balen, Jan van (Flemish, 1611 – 1654) (artist) Bally, David (Dutch, 1584 – 1657) (artist) Beck, David [Beek] (Dutch, 1621 – 1656) (artist) Bie, Cornelis de (Flemish, 1627 – 1711) (author) Bloemaert, Abraham (Dutch, 1565 – 1658) (artist) Borcht I, Hendrik van der, the Elder (Flemish, 1583 – 1651) (artist) Borcht II, Hendrik van der, the Younger (German 1614 –  1676)  (artist) Bouttats, Frederik, the Elder (Flemish, 1590 – 1661) (attributed to) (engraver) Bramer, Leonard [Leendert] (Dutch, 1596 – 1674) (artist) Bronckhorst, Jan Gerritsz van (Dutch, 1603-1661) (artist) Bylert, Jan van (Dutch, 1603 – 1671) (artist) Caukercken, Cornelis van (Flemish, 1626 – 1680) (engraver) Collin, Richard (Luxembourgish, 1627 – 1698) (engraver) Coques, Gonzales (Flemish, 1614 – 1684) (artist) Cossiers, Joannes (Flemish, 1600 – 1671) (artist) Danckerts de Rij, Peter (Dutch, 1605-1660) (artist) Dipenbeeck, Abraham van (Dutch, 1596 – 1675) (artist) Does, Antony van der (Flemish, 1609 –1680) (engraver) Dyck, Anthony van (Flemish, 1599 – 1641) (artist) François, Pierre (fl. 1643) (artist) Hecke, Jan van den, the Elder (Flemish, 1620 – 1684) (engraver) Heil, Daniel van (Flemish, 1604 – 1664) (artist) Heil, Jan Baptiste van (Flemish, 1609 – 1685) (artist) Heil, Leo van (Flemish, 1605 – c. 1664) (artist) Helt Stockade, Nicolaes van (Dutch, 1614 – 1669) (artist) Hollar, Wenceslaus [Hollar, Václav; Wenzel] ( Bohemian, 1607 – 1677) (artist) Hondius I, Hendrick [de Hondt] (Flemish-Dutch, 1573 – 1650) (artist) Janssens, Cornelis van Ceulen [Johnson, Cornelius] (Flemish-Dutch, 1593-1664) (artist) Jode I, Pieter de, the Elder (1570 – 1634) (engraver) Jordaens, Jacob (Flemish, 1593 – 1678) (artist) Lint, Peter van (Flemish, 1609 – 1690) (artist) Meyssens, Cornelis (Flemish, 1639 – fl.1673) (engraver) Meyssens, Joannes [Johannes, Jan, Jean] (Flemish, 1612 – 1670) Mola, Pier Francesco (Italian, 1612 – 1666) (artist) Monte, Deodat del [Mont, Deodat van der; Delmont, Deodatus] (Flemish, 1582 – 1644) (artist) Montfort, Jan van (fl. c. 1595 – 1644) (printer) Padoanino, Francisco (Italian, 1660) (artist) Poelenburgh, Cornelis van [Poelenburch] (Dutch, 1594 – 1667) (artist) Pontius, Paulus (Flemish, 1603 – 1658) (engraver) Quellinus, Erasmus, the Younger (Flemish, 1607 – 1678) (artist) Reni, Guido (Italian,  1575 – 1642) (artist) Sadeler II, Egidius (Flemish, c.1570 – 1629) (artist) Saftleven, Herman, the Younger (Dutch, 1609 – 1685) (artist) Seghers, Gerard (Flemish, 1591 - 1651) (artist) Snyers, Hendrik (Flemish, 1611 – 1644) (engraver) Soutman, Pieter Claesz (Dutch, 1593/1601 – 1657) (artist) Steen, Franciscus van der (Flemish, 1625 – 1672) (engraver) Teniers, David, the Younger (Flemish, 1610 – 1690) (artist) Venne, Adriaen van de [Adriaen Pietersz] (Dutch, 1589 – 1662) (artist) Voet, Alexander, the Elder (Flemish, 16-8/1613 – 1689) (engraver) Vorsterman, Lucas, the Elder (Flemish, 1595-1675) (engraver) Waumans, Conraed (Flemish, 1619 – 1675) (engraver) Willaerts, Adam (Dutch, 1577 – 1664) (artist)
  • 26 x 18 cm, black cloth, white lettering to cover and spine, pictorial DJ, pp. [1-4] 5-207 [208 colophon], 233 b/w illustrations; essay by Wilhelm M. Busch.
  • Title page: ВСЕСОЮЗНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО КУЛЬТУРНОЙ СВЯЗИ С ЗАГРАНИЦЕЙ | ЯПОНСКИЙ ТЕАТР | СБОРНИК СТАТЕЙ | ПОД РЕДАКЦИЕЙ | ПРОФ. Н. И. КОНРАДА | ЛЕНИНГРАД 1928 МОСКВА || T.p. verso: Отпечатано по заказу Всесоюзного | Общества Культурной Связи с загра- | ницей издательством «ACADEMIA» | Государственного Института Истории | Искусств | Обложка работы | Н. А. И А. А. УШИНЫХ | Лениградский Областлит № 12814 […] Тираж 3200 экз. | 2-я типография Транспечати ГКПС, Ленинград, Улица Правды 15. || Bibliographical description: 21.5 x 17 cm; Publisher’s black pictorial wrappers, front cover with lettering: «ЯПОНСКИЙ ТЕАТР» | ВОКС ||, pp. [2] frontis., [2] t.p. / imprint, [2] h.t. / blank, [9] 10-59 [60] – content; collation: [1]7 2-38 46, (first leaf messing from the first gathering), 4 photo illustrations in collation, back black geometrical wrapper. Contents: Н. И. Конрад. Театр в Японии. Общий очерк. — с. 9. Его же. Театр Кабуки, его история и теория. — с. 15. Ол. Плетнер. Театр Кабуки. Социологический очерк. — с. 31. Д. Е. Аркин. Театр Кабуки. Формы и средства театральной выразительности. – c. 45. Personae: Конрад, Николай Иосифович (Russian, 1891 – 1970). Плетнер, Олег Викторович ( Russian, 1893 – 1929). Аркин, Давид Ефимович (Russian, 1899 – 1957). Ушин, Николай Алексеевич (Russian, 1898 – 1942). Ушин , Алексей Алексеевич (Russian, 1904 – 1942).
  • 22 x 15.5 cm, wrappers, label pasted down to the front cover, lettering in a double frame: П. Е. КОРНИЛОВ. | МАТЕРИАЛЫ К ИКОНОГРАФИИ | КАЗАНИ | Казань | 1930 | Оттиск из издания “Материалы по охране, ремонту и реставрации памятников ТССР”, вып. IVй, 50 экз. Pagination: 1-17, frontispiece and 5 leaves of photomechanical illustrations (plates 1-7), extraneous to collation; pages also numbered for the compiled publication: pp. [15] 16-31 [32], published by «Отдел по делам музея и охраны памятников искусства, старины и природы при Академическом центре Татнаркомпроса». A pre-print of a paper for a compilation, published as a separate limited edition of 50 copies. Autograph: Дорогому Николаю Васильевичу | Ильину с дружеской приязнью | от автора | 18. VIII. 30. | Казань. Корнилов, Петр Евгеньевич (Russian, 1896 – 1981) Ильин, Николай Васильевич (Russian, 1894 – 1954) — График. Окончил МУЖВЗ (1910-1916). В 1922-1930 годах работал по оформлению книг в Нижнем Новгороде. С 1930 года жил и работал в Москве. Художник в издательстве Детгиз, затем главный художник Гослитиздата. Оформлял книги произведений А.С. Пушкина в технике силуэта.
  • Title (black and orange): Presenting | Stefano della Bella | Seventeenths – century Printmaker | {Stefano's fac-simile} |  by Phyllis Dearborn Massar | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Distributed by New York Graphic Society || Pagination: [1-6] 7-141 [3], pp. 7-10 – introduction, 1-133 – plates with annotations, 134-140 – notes. Binding: Hardcover, brown cloth with gilt lettering to spine and a small print in orange frame pasted to front cover, pictorial DJ.
  • Title: The amorous drawings | {vignette} | of the | Marquis von Bayros | Part I | BRANDON HOUSE | NORTH HOLLYWOOD || Title page verso: A BRANDON HOUSE BOOK | PUBLISHED BY ARRANGEMENT WITH | CYTHERA PRESS | COPYRIGHT 1968 BY CYTHERA PRESS | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA || Pagination: [1-3] 4-238 [2], 292 illustrations within pagination. Content: Preface by Wilhelm M. Busch, biography of Von Bayros by Johann Pilz, two essays by Von Bayros; 292 illustrations by Marquis Franz von Bayros; Part I and II in one volume. Exterior: 28 x 22 cm, publisher's green wrappers with yellow lettering and fac-simile drawing of von Bayros to cover, lettering to spine. A re-print softcover edition of the original Cythera Press 1st edition, see: LIB-2246.2019
  • Title: The amorous drawings | of the | Marquis von Bayros | Part I | THE CYTHERA PRESS | NEW YORK Pagination: [1-3] 4-238 [2], 292 illustrations within pagination. Content: Preface by Wilhelm M. Busch, biography of Von Bayros by Johann Pilz, two essays by Von Bayros; 292 illustrations by Marquis Franz von Bayros; Part I and II in one volume. Exterior: 33 x 26 cm, publisher's black cloth with white lettering and fac-simile drawing of von Bayros to cover, white lettering to spine, similarly designed DJ. The original Cythera Press hardcover edition of 1968.
  • Title: ZICHI | A bevezető tanulmányt írta | és a képeket válogatta | GELLÉR KATALIN | Introduced and selected by | KATALIN GELLÉR | CORVINA || Pagination: [1-4] 5-44 + 34 leaves of illustrations, (66 plates). Exterior: 32.5 x 28 cm, hardcover, original dark green cloth with silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ. Text in Hungarian and English. Artist: Mihály Zichy [Michael von Zichy] (Hungarian, 1827 – 1906).
  • Title: Joseph Burke and Colin Caldwell | Hogarth | The Complete Engravings | Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York || Pagination: [1-4] 5-30 (text), unpaginated: 128 leaves of illustrations (267 plates), 16 leaves of descriptions, folding list of plates: total number of leaves 160, incl. one folding. Exterior: 34 x 24.5 cm, hardbound; original brown cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ. Harry N. Abrams (British-American, 1905 – 1979). Joseph Terence Burke (British, 1913 – 1992). Colin Caldwell (British, 1913 – 1989).
  • Pictorial cloth boards, spiral-bound, pp.: 3 leaves: h.t., frontis., t.p., 1-326; 123 black & white plates within the pagination.

  • Japanese book: 24 leaves, 22 numbered plates, b/w photography reproduced photomechanically, with descriptions at the facing pages; in Japanese. Hardcover, 19 x 18.5 cm, green cloth stamped with title to front board and spine. Separate translation into English.
  • Title: Japanese Art Signatures | A Handbook and Practical Guide | James Self and Nobiko Hirose | {publisher’s device} FLOATING | WORLD | EDITIONS || Pp.: [2] 3-399 [400]. 1st Floating World edition, 2003, 3rd printing, 2011. 1st edition in 1987 by Bamboo Publishing, Ltd. by Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland and Tokyo. Binding: Original blue wrappers with white lettering to both covers and spine, in yellow frames.
  • A CATALOGUE OF AN EXHIBITION | OF | The Philip Hofer Bequest | IN THE DEPARTMENT OF | PRINTING AND GRAPHIC ARTS | {white in crimson cartouche The | Philip Hofer | Collection | in the | Houghton | Library} | HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY | CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS | 1988 || Printed by Meriden-Stinehour Press; Roderick Douglas [Rocky] Stinehour (American, 1925 – 2016) and his son Stephen Stinehour, The Stinehour Press in Lunenburg, Vermont. The Meriden Gravure Company in Meriden, Connecticut, was founded in 1888 by Charles Parker and James F. Allen. In 1977, the Meriden merged with the Stinehour Press, and in 1989, the Meriden operations were closed and the Meriden Gravure presses moved to the Vermont location. Pagination: [i-vi] – incl. h.t., t.p., f.t., vii-xiv, [1] 2-218, 100 plates, within pagination, incl. bibliography, index. Binding: Original grey paper wrappers with title printed in red and white.