//Illustrated books
  • Description: 19th-century binding, 8vo,18.9 x 11.7 cm, in patterned quarter green shagreen over marbled boards, gilt elements and lettering to spine (reliure romantique), printed on laid paper, with tall "s", margins sprinkled blue. Title-page (red and black): L'ART | D'AIMER, | NOUVEAU POËME | EN SIX CHANTS, | Par Monsieur ***** Gouge de Cessières. | Edition fidéle & complette, enrichie de | Figures. | {vignette} | A LONDRES. | Aux dépens de la Compagnie. | = | M. DCC. L. || Includes: La Mort de Zulnï (pp.  175-190 ), Idée de l'Art d'aimer d'Ovide (pp. 191-244), and Lettre écrite à Monsieur *** de ******de l'Académie... (pp. 245-261). Collation: 8vo; a-b8, A-Q8 R3, lacking K2 (pp. 147/8); total 146 leaves (of 147) plus 8 engraved plates, unsigned, incl. frontispiece. Pagination: [i, ii] iii-xxxii, [1, 2] 3-261 [262 blank], lacking pp. 147/8 (K2), possibly containing Argument du chant VI; total 292 pages (of 294), ils. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen-DeRicci (under Ovid) 775, Lewine (under Ovid) 398. The artist and engravers of this edition are unknown. "Another edition, Londres (Paris), 1760, with frontispiece after Eisen by Martinet, and 6 plates after Martinet". Contributors: François-Étienne Gouge de Cessières (French, 1724 – 1782) – author. Ovid [Publius Ovidius Naso] (Roman, 43 B.C. – A.D. 17) – author. Aux dépens de la Compagnie (1685 – 1780) (Amsterdam) – publisher.
  • Description: Softcover 4to volume 25 x 19.7 cm in publisher’s French flapped tan wrappers, in glassine DJ, lettering to front. Printed on watermarked “Arches” laid paper, margins untrimmed, pages uncut. Illustrated with 24 in-text coloured etchings, and 59 vignettes, initials, and tailpieces engraved on wood by Gilbert Poilliot after Maurice Leroy. Front wrapper: GABRIEL SOULAGES | LE | MALHEUREUX | PETIT | VOYAGE {vertical} | AUX ÉDITIONS DU CHARME || Title-page (red and black): GABRIEL SOULAGES | LE MALHEUREUX | PETIT VOYAGE | Illustrations de MAURICE LEROY | {fleuron} | ÉDITIONS DU CHARME | PARIS – 1942 || Pagination: [1-8] (leaf in wrapper, t.p., dedication, d.t.p.) 9-187 [188] [4] (table, colophon, leaf in wrapper), total 192 pages , incl. in wrappers. Limitation: Limited to 750 copies, 25 copies (№ 1-25) on Vélin d’Arches with the original drawings and several suites of plates, 59 copies (№ 26-84) on Vélin d’Arches with the original drawings and several suites of plates, 100 copies (№ 85-184) on Vélin d’Arches with one suite of woodcuts and one of the etchings, 216 copies (№ 185-400) on Vélin d’Arches without enrichment, 350 copies (401-750) on Vélin des Papeteries Lana (Docelles); besides there are 10 copies numbered I-X for the artist and collaborators. This copy is № 266. Edition made under the direction of Sven Nielsen and Robert Meiffrédy; printed on April 29, 1942, at Dumoulin under the direction of H. Barthélemy. Etchings were printed at La Tradition under the direction of H. Durupt and the artist. Gabriel Soulages (French, 1876 – 1930?) – author. Maurice Leroy (French, 1885 – 1973) – artist. Gilbert Poilliot (French, fl. 1938 – 1952) – wood engraver. Sven Nielsen (Danish, 1901 – 1976) – publisher. Robert Meiffrédy (French, 20th century) – publisher.
  • Description: one volume 25.5 x 22 cm, quarter calf with raised bands and gilt lettering over gilt-decorated boards, text within decorated borders printed on wove paper, with 8 mounted colour plates, 16 x 14 cm, photomechanical reproductions after Franz von Bayros, with lettered tissue guards, t.e.g. Title-page (in decorated border): INPANDEANVALE | PICTURED {} IN COLOUR | BY THE MAR {} QUIS F.BAYROS {vignette} | AMALTHEA PUBLISHING OFFICEZURICH || Pagination: [2 blank] [1-6] 7-156 [2 blank], total 80 leaves, incl. 8 colour plates with lettered tissue guards. Limitation: Copyright by Amalthea Publishing Office, Vienna. Printed by Adolf Holzhauzen in Vienna. Bound by Karl Scheibe, Vienna. Edition A: №№ I-V, full leather signed by von Bayros; Edition B: №№ 1-495 in half-leather. This copy is № 130, signed by the author. Contributors: Geoffrey Sephton – author, nothing is known. Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) – artist. Adolf Holzhausen the Younger (Austrian, 1868 – 1931) – printer. Karl Scheibe (Austrian) – bookbinder.
  • Title-page (in red and black): Keramic art of Japan, | BY | GEORGE A. AUDSLEY | AND | JAMES L. BOWES. | LONDON: HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., | 36 PICADILLY; 136, STRAND; 77 & 78, QUEEN STREET, CITY. | MANCHESTER: 49, CROSS STREET. | MDCCCLXXXI. || Description: 28.5 x 19.5 cm, publisher’s red cloth, bevelled boards, gilt lettering and tooling on front cover and spine, AEG, disbound. 304 p., 10 pl., 32 chromo-lithographed plates. This is the 2nd edition of the 1875 folio edition by the same publisher.. Contents: Introductory essay on Japanese art: p. 1-107; Keramic art of Japan: p. 108-260; Marks and monograms: p. 261-287, Index: p. 288-304. Contributors: George Ashdown Audsley (American, 1838 – 1925) – author. James Lord Bowes (British, 1834 – 1899) – author.
  • Unbound, unpaginated volume in illustrated French flapped wrappers, 360 x 270 mm, printed on mother-of-pearl Japanese paper, collated 154 + 142, 60+28, 44 leaves in-folio, folded in half, profusely illustrated with original colour lithograph, in a grey cloth clamshell box (390 x 290 x 90 mm) with inside pocket for CD (lacking), embossed vignette to front; limited edition of 284 copies, signed copy № 59 of 50 copies printed on Japon Nacré paper numbered 30-80. Includes 13 double-page colour plates signed by the artist, enriched with an original watercolour drawing on the back of the title-page, with autograph dedication "A Monsieur et Madame Kuhn Amicalement A Bonnefoit". Title-page (black and sanguine): GEORGES BRASSENS | VÉNUS | CALLIPYGE | Préface de Pierre Louki | Lithographies originales de | Alain BONNEFOIT | ÉDITIONS LATOUR – MARTIGNY || Colophon : Achevé d'imprimer | le 8 novembre 1993 | sur les presses de Pierre Jean Mathan | Boulogne-sur-Seine. | Les lithographies ont été tirées | dans les ateliers de Jean-Claude Perrin | Arts-Litho à Paris. | L'emboitage est de Piero Dallai | à Forence. || Deluxe edition of a collection of 13 songs by Brassens, illustrated with more than thirty original lithographs by Alain Bonnefoit, Contributors: Alain Bonnefoit (French, b. 1937) – artist Georges Brassens (French, 1821 – 1981) – author poetry Louki, Pierre (French, 1920 – 2006) – author preface Éditions Latour (Martigny) – publisher Pierre Jean Mathan (Boulogne-sur-Seine) – printer Jean-Claude Perrin, Arts-Litho (Paris) – lithorgapher Piero Dallai (Forence) – slipcase
  • Softcover, 325 x 253 mm, publisher’s French flapped wrappers in glassine dust cover, 15 leaves folio folded in half, making 30 in-2o leaves 321 x 250 mm, with two leaves within the wrappers, [1] t.p., [2] Vertès’ blue ink inscription “À Alexaner Sternberg frère Nicolas qui est un garçon charmant et un bon artiste. Vertès.” and drawing, [3] frontispiece, [4-26] text with six full-page, one head- and one tailpiece in dry point technique, with guard tissues, [27] list of plates, [28] colophon, [29] blank; some page numbers manually scripted in pencil to the bottom right corners by a previous owner. Paper watermarked “BFK Rives”. Title-page (in orange and black): ÉLOGE | DE | MARCEL VERTÈS | PAR | GEORGES HUISMAN | ORNÉ | DE GRAVURES ORIGINALES | {publisher’s device} | MANUEL BRUKER ÉDITEUR || Colophon: CET OUVRAGE A ÉTÉ ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER SUR LES PRESSES DE L'IMPRIMERIE DARAGNÈS LE 30 OCTOBRE 1951 A 200 EXEMPLAIRES NUMÉROTÉS DONT 20 SUR VÉLIN 'ARCHES DE 1 A 20 AUXQUELS IL A ÉTÉ JOINT UNE SUITE DES GRAVURES SUR JAPON NACRÉ ET 180 SUR VÉLIN BLANC DE RIVES DE 21 A 200. ON A TIRÉ EN OUTRE 20 SUITES SUR MALACCA DES PLANCHES REFUSÉES. EXEMPLAIRE N° 93. Limitation: 200 copies printed on October 30, 1951, at Daragnès press: 20 (№№ 1-20) on Arches vellum paper with a suite of plates on Japon Nacré and 180 (№№ 21-200) Vélin Blanc by Rives. This is copy № 93. Tipped in: (1) photo of Vertès (and one more) in front of his murals, with the blue ballpoint pen inscription “À Alex Sternberg, frère de Nicola, excellent ami, excellent artiste et voyez, quel photographe!!! Vertès”; (2) postcard with a signed invitation to Vertès' exhibition by Librairie M.-P. Tremois: “Carte Postale | Paris, le 2 mars [19]28 | Monsieur, | Du 6 au 24 mars, | de 2 heures à 6h30, aura | lieu à la Librairie M.-P. Trémois | 43 avenue Rapp, 7e, une | exposition de dessins et | aquarelles de Vertès, ayant | servi à l’illustration de livres. | Nous espérons que vous | voudrez bien nous honorer | de votre visite. M.-P. Trémois.” The drypoint technique is confirmed by the presence of a white line in the middle of the black  printed line on the micro photo: Catalogue raisonné: Vokaer № 52. Contributors: Georges Huisman (French, 1889 – 1957) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – character/artist. Manuel Bruker (French, 1891 – 1979) – publisher. Jean-Gabriel Daragnès (French, 1886 – 1950) – printer. Nicolas Sternberg (Hungarian-French, 1902 –1960) Librairie M.-P. Trémois (1925 – 1953)
  • Hardcover, 244 x 205 mm, red quarter morocco over marbled boards, gilt lettering and raised bands to spine, marbled endpapers, original wrappers 235 x 190 mm preserved. Collated 4to: 3 ffl, front wrapper2, blank4, h.t./imprint6, frontis.8, t.p.10, 1-234, blank196, back wrapper198, 3ffl; pp.: [1-11] 12-186 [12], plates and wrappers within collation. Total number of leaves from wrapper to wrapper 198 (190 per Vokaer). Title-page (brown and black): Tableaux Contemporains – no 6 | TABLEAU | de | LA MODE | par | GEORGES-ARMAND MASSON | illustré | de vingt et une gravures à l'eau-forte | et de onze lithographies en couleurs | par | MARCEL VERTÈS | PARIS | ÉDITIONS DE LA NOUVELLE REVUE FRANÇAISE | 3, rue de Grenelle || Front wrapper: same as t.p., framed. Back wrapper: advert. dans la même collection, framed. Imprint: Un exemplaire sur japon impérial (A), 6 exemplaires sur japon impérial (B-E), 15 exemplaires sur japon impérial (F-T), 320 exemplaires sur vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navarre (dont 20 exemplaires hors commerce), numérotés de 1 a 300 et de I a XX. Exemplaire no 238. Tous droits de reproduction el de traduction réserves pour tous les pays, y compris la Russie. Copyright by Librairie Gallimard, 1926. Colophon: CE VOLUME, | LE SIXIEME DE LA COLLECTION DES | TABLEAUX CONTEMPORAINS, | A ÉTE ACHEVE D’IMPRIMER | LE DIX MAI MIL NEUF CENT VINGT-SIX : | POUR LE TEXTE, | PAR LE MAITRE IMPRIMEUR COULOUMA, A ARGENTEUIL, | H. BARTHELEMY ETANT DIRECTEUR, | ET POUR LES GRAVURES, | PAR CLOT, LITHOGRAPHE | ET HAASEN, IMPRIMEUR EN TAILLE-DOUCE | A PARIS || Limited Edition: 22 copies printed on Japon Impérial paper marked letters A to T enriched with suites of plates and original drawings; 20 copies marked I to XX on Vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navarre paper not for sale, and 300 commercial copies on the same paper, numbered 1 to 300, of which this is copy № 238. Total number of copies 342. Catalogue Raisonné: Vokaer № 14, p. 10. Contributors: Masson, Georges-Armand (French, 1892 – 1977) – author Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist Clot, Auguste (French, 1858 – 1936) – lithography Haasen, Paul (French, d. 1944) – etchings
  • Front wrapper: LES MŒURS DU SIECLE - № 1 | Les | six étages | par | GERARD BAUER | illustré de vingt gravures à l’eau-forte | par VERTÈS | {publisher’s device, “PARIS | 17, avenue de Friedland”} | ÉDITIONS DE L’ÉTOILE || Title-page: essais pour servir a1 l’histoire contemporaine | de la galanterie et du plaisir | I | Les six étages | par | GERARD BAUER | illustré de vingt gravures à l’eau-forte | par VERTÈS | | {publisher’s device, “ÉDITIONS DE L’ÉTOILE | 17, avenue de Friedland”} | PARIS […] MCMXXV || Pagination: front wrapper with lettering, [1-8] incl. 1st bank leaf, h.t. / limitation, t.p. / blank, dedication to Abel Hermant / blank, 9-169 [170] [6] incl. table, colophon, and last blank leaf, 17 etchings by Vertès within pagination; advert. of the other books of the series to the back wrapper. Edition: 15 copies on Japon Impérial (№ 1-15), 35 on Hollande Van Gelder Zonen (№ 16-50), 400 on Vélin de Rives BFK (№ 51-450) and 3 on blue paper not for sale. This copy is № 369. Printed on November 10, 1925 by L. Petitbarat in Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône (text) and by Vernant in Paris (etchings). Edition directed by Roger Allard. Binding: 19 x 12.5 cm, French flapped pink wrappers, lettered to front, back, and spine. Contributors: Gérard Bauër (French, 1888 – 1967) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Abel Hermant (French, 1862 – 1950) – dedicatee. Roger Allard (French, 1885 – 1961) – editor. L. Petitbarat (Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône) – printer. Éditions de l’Étoile (Paris) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Hardcover, 217 x 140 mm, olive cloth with gilt lettering to front and spine, black endpapers, printed on craft laid paper watermarked “Ingres”, pp. [1-7] 8 (frontispiece) –154, [155/6] blank, 157/8 Dans la même collection/colophon, [159/160] blank; 130 captured plates and an uncaptured frontispiece, all framed (a total of 131 images, not 132, as stated). Limited edition of 33 copies plus 10 not for sale on Arches vellum; this copy is not numbered. There are images that include Albert Einstein, Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, John Lennon, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, among the others. Title page: GARNON | Cent trente deux | positions amoureuses | préface | Gérard ZWANG | IMAGES OBLIQUES || Colophon: Ce volume | le dixième de la collection IMAGES OBLIQUES | dirigée par Roger BORDERIE et Michel CAMUS | a été achevé d'imprimer en Février 1981 | sur les presses de l'Imprimerie EUROGRAPHIC | 32, rue des Annelets 75019 PARIS | […] | L'édition originale | est constituée par un tirage de 33 exemplaires | sur vélin d'Arches | numérotés de 1 à 33 | […] | En outre, il a été tiré, | dix exemplaires hors commerce marqués HC 1 à HC 10 | réservés aux collaborateurs de la collection | […] | Dépôt légal : 1° trimestre 1981 | Numéro d'éditeur : 49 | ISBN - 2-86380-019-1. Ref.: honesterotica.com. Almost .othing is known about the artist. Contributors: Zwang, Gérard (French, b. 1930) Garnon, Gilbert (French, 1921 – 2005) – artist Borderie, Roger (French) – publisher
  • Title page: The Art of the | French Illustrated Book | 1700 to 1914 | VOLUME I (II) | Gordon N. Ray | The Pierpont Morgan Library | Cornell University Press || Pagination: vol.1: [8] ix-xxxii, [2] 3-245 [3], illustr.; vol.2: [8] 247-557 [5], illustr. Both volumes paginater through out. Binding: 30.5 x 23.5 cm, two volumes uniformly bound in red cloth, gilt vignette to front cover, gilt lettering to spine; bookplate to front pastedown, ex-lib (Sweet Briar College Library) Contributors: Ray, Gordon Norton (American, 1915 – 1986) – author. Lange, Thomas V. – formal bibliographical description. Passela, Charles V. – photography. The Pierpont Morgan Library – Copyright © 1982
  • Title page: The | Illustrator | and the Book | in England | from | 1790 to 1914 | Gordon N. Ray | The Pierpont Morgan Library | Oxford University Press || Pagination: [i-viii] ix-xxxiii [xxxiv], [1-2] 3-336 [4], illustr. Binding: 30.5 x 23.5 cm; publisher’s blue cloth, gilt lettering in a figural frame to front, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial endpapers. Ex-lib (University of Virginia). Contributors: Ray, Gordon Norton (American, 1915 – 1986) – author. Lange, Thomas V. – formal bibliographical description. Passela, Charles V. – photography. The Pierpont Morgan Library – Copyright © 1976
  • Softcover, 257 x 168 mm, publisher’s cream French flapped wrappers with red lettering to front in a beige double slipcase, printed on wove paper watermarked “Marais” in italic script; edges untrimmed; pp.: [8] [2] [1] 2-130 [131] [3]; collated 4to as 184, 72 leaves incl. those in the wrappers, plus 9 photomechanical stencil-coloured plates extraneous to collation and 9 b/w headpieces (in-text etchings) after anonymous artist. According to the seller and J.-P. Dutel: “In-8 of 130 pages... Illustrated with 10 full-page in colour and some headbands. Limited edition of 500 copies on vélin du Marais". Title-page (red and black): GUILLAUME APOLLINAIRE | LES | ONZE MILLE VERGES | OU | LES AMOURS D'UN HOSPODAR | BRUXELLES | 1942 || Limitation: Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage réservé uniquement aux souscripteurs particuliers 500 exemplaires tous sur vélin du marais. Exemplaire n° 147. Edition: The clandestine edition on vélin de Marais paper limited to 500 copies for subscribers only; this copy is № 147. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2109. In my copy, similarly to the one of STEVE M., it is only 9 colour plates, while Dutel sites 10. Author: Guillaume Apollinaire (French, 1880 – 1918). Micro photo of a colour plate: Micro photo of an etching:
  • Description: Hardcover, 18.8 x 13 cm, pictorial front cover (after Franz von Bayros) in colour over tan cloth, lettering to spine, all margins red, laid paper endpapers, pp.: [4] 1-185 [3]; collated 8vo as π2 1-118, 126, total 192 pages (96 leaves) plus 5 b/w photogravures after drawings by Franz von Bayros. Title-page (blackletter): Gustav Hochstetter | Das Füsschen der gnädigen Frau | und Anderes | {publisher’s device} | {blank} | 1912 | München und Leipzig bei Georg Müller || T.p. verso (blackletter): Umschlagzeichnung und fünf Bildbeigeben von | Franz von Bayros | {blank} | (serif) Copyright 1912 by Georg Müller in München || Colophon: Druck von Mänicke u. Jahn, Rudolstadt. Contributors: Gustav Hochstetter (German-Jewish, 1873 – 1944) – author. Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) – artist. Mänicke und Jahn (Rudolstadt) – printer. Georg Müller (München, Leipzig) – publisher.
  • Hardcover, 231 x 165 mm, half brown cloth over cardboard, lettering in a frame to front, similar to t.p., pp.: [4] [1] 2-151 [152], collated 4to: π2 1-194, i.e. 78 leaves. Entries are in alphabetic order by name. Title-page (and front cover): Bibliotheca Germanorum | erotica. | Verzeichniss der gesammten | deutschen erotischen Literatur | mit Einschluss der Uebersetzungen. | Nachschlagebuch für Literaturhistoriker, | Antiquare und Bibliothekare. | Nach den zuverlässigsten Quellen | bearbeitet von | H. Nay. | — •— | Leipzig, 1875. || [Bibliotheca Germanorum erotica. List of all German erotic literature, including translations. Reference book for literary historians, antiquarians and librarians. Based on the most reliable sources edited by H. Nay]. Imprint: Druck von E. Rupfer in Stuttgart. Ref: Worldcat. Author: Hugo Hayn [Nay, H.] (German, 1843 – 1923)
  • NEW
    Softcover volume 218 x 155 mm, French flapped wrappers in glassine jacket, with red lettering to front “UNE JEUNE FILLE | À LA PAGE”; pp.: [1-8] 9-139 [140] [4], i.e. 72 leaves total, incl. those in the wrapper, plus 10 photomechanically printed colour plates after Paul-Émile Bécat. Limited edition of 400 copies with 350 printed on vélin surfin paper numbered from 51 to 400; this is copy № 254. Title-page (red and black): HELENA VARLEY | UNE JEUNE FILLE | A LA PAGE | {fleuron} | A LA VILLA BRIGITTE | COLLECTION DES DEUX HÉMISPHÈRES || Imprint/Limitation: CETTE ÉDITION, NON MISE DANS LE COMMERCE | ET RÉSERVÉE A DES AMATEURS, A ÉTÉ TIRÉE | A 400 EXEMPLAIRES, TOUS NUMÉROTÉS A LA | PRESSE, A SAVOIR : | 50 EXEMPLAIRES SUR VELIN PUR FIL LAFUMA, | NUMÉROTÉS DE 1 A 50 ; | 350 EXEMPLAIRES SUR VELIN SURFIN, |NUMÉROTÉS DE 51 A 400. | EXEMPLAIRE N° 254 | Exemplaire sur vélin surfin. || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2564, p. 401. Honesterotica. Contributors: Nicolaï, Michèle [Varley, Helena] (French, 1896 – 1950) – author. Bécat, Paul-Émile (French, 1885 – 1960) – artist. Duflou, Maurice (French, 1885 – 1951) – publisher.
  • Hardcover volume, 19 x 13 cm, collated in-12mo, bound by Henri Creuzevault (signed) in full crushed brown morocco, spine with raised bands, gilt lettering “H. DE RÉGNIER | – | LA PÉCHERESSE” and “PARIS 1920” in the bottom compartment; gilt fillet to cover margin, five gilt fillets inside, marbled endpapers, bookplate of J.-P. Dutel to flyleaf, original yellow publisher’s wrappers preserved, top edge gilt, in a marbled slipcase; printed on dense wove paper (Japon). Inset: Receipt from Librairie ancienne et modern – Georges Venot (Lyon), dated April 16, 1938. Title-page / Cover: HENRI DE RÉGNIER | DE L’ACADÉMIE FRANÇAISE | – | La Pécheresse | HISTOIRE D’AMOUR | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | MERCVRE DE France | XXVI, RVE DE CONDÉ, XXVI | MCMXX || Limitation: 158 copies on Japon (№№ 1-158), 95 copies on Chine (№№ 159-253), 515 copies on Hollande (№№ 254-768), 1,650 copies on vélin pur fil de Lafuma (№№ 769-2393, and 25 copies not for sale marked A-Z. This is № 75 (on Japon), a unique copy enriched with 7 original watercolours by Serge de Solomko. Collation: 3 blank flyleaves, front wrapper, π6 (1 h.t./advert., 1 t.p./limit., 1 dedication, 3), 1-206, 212, back wrapper, spine, 3 blank flyleaves, list of illustrations pasted to recto endpaper “La Pécheresse. | 7 aquarelles de Solemko (sic.) | 57, 64, 168, 256, 289, 320, 346”, seven plates bound in as per the list. Pagination: [1-5] 6-350, ils. OCLC Number / Unique Identifier: 715077259. Contributors: Henri de Régnier (French, 1864 – 1936) – author. Auguste Gilbert de Voisins (1877 – 1939) – dedicatee. Sergueï Solomko [Сергей Сергеевич Соломко, Serge de Solomko] (Russian-French, 1867 – 1928) – artist. Henri Creuzevault (French, 1905 – 1971) – bookbinder. J.-P. Dutel description: RÉGNIER, Henri de. LA PECHERESSE. Paris, Mercure de France, 1920. In-12 (18,3 x 11,4 cm) de [1] f., 350 pp., maroquin janséniste grenat, dos à 5 nerfs, filets dorés intérieurs, tête dorée, filets dorés sur les coupes, non rogné, couverture et dos conservés, étui bordé. (Creuzevault). ÉDITION ORIGINALE. Tirage : 95 ex. sur chine. 158 ex. sur japon. 515 ex. sur hollande. UN DES 158 EXEMPLAIRES SUR JAPON. EXEMPLAIRE UNIQUE ENRICHI DE 7 AQUARELLES ORIGINALES HORS-TEXTE SIGNÉES PAR SERGE DE SOLOMKO. Sergueï Sergueïevitch Solomko « Serge de Solomko », (Saint-Petersburg, 1867- Sainte Geneviève des bois, 1928) est un illustrateur, graphiste et aquarelliste russe qui vécut en partie en France. Qualifiée d'histoire d'amour, cette œuvre d'Henri de Régnier est dédiée à Gilbert de Voisins, poète et romancier, en témoignage de fraternelle amitié. Elle est placée par son auteur sous les auspices du moraliste et critique libertin Saint-Evremond dont une citation figure en exergue du livre : « Il y a des temps où l'on pleure les plaisirs perdus, des temps où l'on pleure les péchés commis. » Et l'auteur d'incipiter comme suit : « J'ai toujours été si curieux des particularités que l'on découvre au caractère des femmes que, pas une fois, je n'ai négligé de m'instruire sur le sujet. » « (...) le point où se montre le mieux et le plus ouvertement ce que la nature les a faites, est celui de l'amour. »
  • Small softcover volume, édition minuscule’ in-32, 13 x 8 cm, publisher’s wrappers, pp.: [1-6] (h.t., t.p., advert.), [7] 8-160 [2 table/blank], included in pagination 8 pasted etchings on India paper after Félicien Rops and one blank leaf next to plate 1; laid paper with watermarks, some pages uncut. Title-page: DOCUMENTS | POUR SERVIR A L’HISTOIRE DE NOS MŒURS | – | LES | BAS-FONDS | DE LA SOCIÉTÉ | PAR | HENRY MONNIER | AVEC | 8 dessins à la plume | de F. R. | {fleuron} | ÉDITION MINUSCULE | tirée | à 64 exemplaires. || Pencil handwriting on top: 8 gravures de Felicien Rops | 250 –, in the bottom: [1879]. Print run: 64 copies; clandestine edition. Catalogue raisonné: Vicaire V, 1019; Bory p. 100 (though here is the frontispiece for Les Bas-fonds de la société par Joseph Prudhomme [Henry Monnier], 1864, with all the sheets together; Dutel I, A-134. Ref: (1) Poulet-Malassis & ses amis № 90 [LIB-3118.2022] ; (2) Félicien Rops: L'oeuvre graphique complète. / Ouvrage établi et présenté par Jean-François Bory. Avec un texte contemporain de l'artiste par J. K. Huysmans. — Arthur Hubschmidt, 1977. [LIB-2241.2019] Contributors: Henry Monnier (French, 1799 – 1877) – author. Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833 – 1898) – artist. Henry Kistemaeckers (Belgian, 1851 – 1934) – publisher. Auguste Poulet-Malassis (French, 1825 – 1878)
  • Front cover: LONDON | Highlights from | the Erotica Library | of Tony Fekete | Tuesday 18 November 2014 | {vignette in colour} | CHRISTIE'S || Pagination: [2] 3-134 [2], total 136 pages, 221 lot. Binding: 16.7 x 21 cm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers, red spine with white lettering.