//Illustrated books
  • Title page: The | Illustrator | and the Book | in England | from | 1790 to 1914 | Gordon N. Ray | The Pierpont Morgan Library | Oxford University Press || Pagination: [i-viii] ix-xxxiii [xxxiv], [1-2] 3-336 [4], illustr. Binding: 30.5 x 23.5 cm; publisher’s blue cloth, gilt lettering in a figural frame to front, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial endpapers. Ex-lib (University of Virginia). Contributors: Ray, Gordon Norton (American, 1915 – 1986) – author. Lange, Thomas V. – formal bibliographical description. Passela, Charles V. – photography. The Pierpont Morgan Library – Copyright © 1976
  • Title page: The Art of the | French Illustrated Book | 1700 to 1914 | VOLUME I (II) | Gordon N. Ray | The Pierpont Morgan Library | Cornell University Press || Pagination: vol.1: [8] ix-xxxii, [2] 3-245 [3], illustr.; vol.2: [8] 247-557 [5], illustr. Both volumes paginater through out. Binding: 30.5 x 23.5 cm, two volumes uniformly bound in red cloth, gilt vignette to front cover, gilt lettering to spine; bookplate to front pastedown, ex-lib (Sweet Briar College Library) Contributors: Ray, Gordon Norton (American, 1915 – 1986) – author. Lange, Thomas V. – formal bibliographical description. Passela, Charles V. – photography. The Pierpont Morgan Library – Copyright © 1982
  • Front wrapper: LES MŒURS DU SIECLE - № 1 | Les | six étages | par | GERARD BAUER | illustré de vingt gravures à l’eau-forte | par VERTÈS | {publisher’s device, “PARIS | 17, avenue de Friedland”} | ÉDITIONS DE L’ÉTOILE || Title-page: essais pour servir a1 l’histoire contemporaine | de la galanterie et du plaisir | I | Les six étages | par | GERARD BAUER | illustré de vingt gravures à l’eau-forte | par VERTÈS | | {publisher’s device, “ÉDITIONS DE L’ÉTOILE | 17, avenue de Friedland”} | PARIS […] MCMXXV || Pagination: front wrapper with lettering, [1-8] incl. 1st bank leaf, h.t. / limitation, t.p. / blank, dedication to Abel Hermant / blank, 9-169 [170] [6] incl. table, colophon, and last blank leaf, 17 etchings by Vertès within pagination; advert. of the other books of the series to the back wrapper. Edition: 15 copies on Japon Impérial (№ 1-15), 35 on Hollande Van Gelder Zonen (№ 16-50), 400 on Vélin de Rives BFK (№ 51-450) and 3 on blue paper not for sale. This copy is № 369. Printed on November 10, 1925 by L. Petitbarat in Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône (text) and by Vernant in Paris (etchings). Edition directed by Roger Allard. Binding: 19 x 12.5 cm, French flapped pink wrappers, lettered to front, back, and spine. Contributors: Gérard Bauër (French, 1888 – 1967) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Abel Hermant (French, 1862 – 1950) – dedicatee. Roger Allard (French, 1885 – 1961) – editor. L. Petitbarat (Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône) – printer. Éditions de l’Étoile (Paris) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Softcover, 325 x 253 mm, publisher’s French flapped wrappers in glassine dust cover, 15 leaves folio folded in half, making 30 in-2o leaves 321 x 250 mm, with two leaves within the wrappers, [1] t.p., [2] Vertès’ blue ink inscription “À Alexaner Sternberg frère Nicolas qui est un garçon charmant et un bon artiste. Vertès.” and drawing, [3] frontispiece, [4-26] text with six full-page, one head- and one tailpiece in dry point technique, with guard tissues, [27] list of plates, [28] colophon, [29] blank; some page numbers manually scripted in pencil to the bottom right corners by a previous owner. Paper watermarked “BFK Rives”. Title-page (in orange and black): ÉLOGE | DE | MARCEL VERTÈS | PAR | GEORGES HUISMAN | ORNÉ | DE GRAVURES ORIGINALES | {publisher’s device} | MANUEL BRUKER ÉDITEUR || Colophon: CET OUVRAGE A ÉTÉ ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER SUR LES PRESSES DE L'IMPRIMERIE DARAGNÈS LE 30 OCTOBRE 1951 A 200 EXEMPLAIRES NUMÉROTÉS DONT 20 SUR VÉLIN 'ARCHES DE 1 A 20 AUXQUELS IL A ÉTÉ JOINT UNE SUITE DES GRAVURES SUR JAPON NACRÉ ET 180 SUR VÉLIN BLANC DE RIVES DE 21 A 200. ON A TIRÉ EN OUTRE 20 SUITES SUR MALACCA DES PLANCHES REFUSÉES. EXEMPLAIRE N° 93. Limitation: 200 copies printed on October 30, 1951, at Daragnès press: 20 (№№ 1-20) on Arches vellum paper with a suite of plates on Japon Nacré and 180 (№№ 21-200) Vélin Blanc by Rives. This is copy № 93. Tipped in: (1) photo of Vertès (and one more) in front of his murals, with the blue ballpoint pen inscription “À Alex Sternberg, frère de Nicola, excellent ami, excellent artiste et voyez, quel photographe!!! Vertès”; (2) postcard with a signed invitation to Vertès' exhibition by Librairie M.-P. Tremois: “Carte Postale | Paris, le 2 mars [19]28 | Monsieur, | Du 6 au 24 mars, | de 2 heures à 6h30, aura | lieu à la Librairie M.-P. Trémois | 43 avenue Rapp, 7e, une | exposition de dessins et | aquarelles de Vertès, ayant | servi à l’illustration de livres. | Nous espérons que vous | voudrez bien nous honorer | de votre visite. M.-P. Trémois.” The drypoint technique is confirmed by the presence of a white line in the middle of the black  printed line on the micro photo: Catalogue raisonné: Vokaer № 52. Contributors: Georges Huisman (French, 1889 – 1957) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – character/artist. Manuel Bruker (French, 1891 – 1979) – publisher. Jean-Gabriel Daragnès (French, 1886 – 1950) – printer. Nicolas Sternberg (Hungarian-French, 1902 –1960) Librairie M.-P. Trémois (1925 – 1953)
  • NEW
    Unbound, unpaginated volume in illustrated French flapped wrappers, 360 x 270 mm, printed on mother-of-pearl Japanese paper, collated 154 + 142, 60+28, 44 leaves in-folio, folded in half, profusely illustrated with original colour lithograph, in a grey cloth clamshell box (390 x 290 x 90 mm) with inside pocket for CD (lacking), embossed vignette to front; limited edition of 284 copies, signed copy № 59 of 50 copies printed on Japon Nacré paper numbered 30-80. Includes 13 double-page colour plates signed by the artist, enriched with an original watercolour drawing on the back of the title-page, with autograph dedication "A Monsieur et Madame Kuhn Amicalement A Bonnefoit". Title-page (black and sanguine): GEORGES BRASSENS | VÉNUS | CALLIPYGE | Préface de Pierre Louki | Lithographies originales de | Alain BONNEFOIT | ÉDITIONS LATOUR – MARTIGNY || Colophon : Achevé d'imprimer | le 8 novembre 1993 | sur les presses de Pierre Jean Mathan | Boulogne-sur-Seine. | Les lithographies ont été tirées | dans les ateliers de Jean-Claude Perrin | Arts-Litho à Paris. | L'emboitage est de Piero Dallai | à Forence. || Deluxe edition of a collection of 13 songs by Brassens, illustrated with more than thirty original lithographs by Alain Bonnefoit, Contributors: Alain Bonnefoit (French, b. 1937) – artist Georges Brassens (French, 1821 – 1981) – author poetry Louki, Pierre (French, 1920 – 2006) – author preface Éditions Latour (Martigny) – publisher Pierre Jean Mathan (Boulogne-sur-Seine) – printer Jean-Claude Perrin, Arts-Litho (Paris) – lithorgapher Piero Dallai (Forence) – slipcase
  • Title-page (in red and black): Keramic art of Japan, | BY | GEORGE A. AUDSLEY | AND | JAMES L. BOWES. | LONDON: HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., | 36 PICADILLY; 136, STRAND; 77 & 78, QUEEN STREET, CITY. | MANCHESTER: 49, CROSS STREET. | MDCCCLXXXI. || Description: 28.5 x 19.5 cm, publisher’s red cloth, bevelled boards, gilt lettering and tooling on front cover and spine, AEG, disbound. 304 p., 10 pl., 32 chromo-lithographed plates. This is the 2nd edition of the 1875 folio edition by the same publisher.. Contents: Introductory essay on Japanese art: p. 1-107; Keramic art of Japan: p. 108-260; Marks and monograms: p. 261-287, Index: p. 288-304. Contributors: George Ashdown Audsley (American, 1838 – 1925) – author. James Lord Bowes (British, 1834 – 1899) – author.
  • Description: one volume 25.5 x 22 cm, quarter calf with raised bands and gilt lettering over gilt-decorated boards, text within decorated borders printed on wove paper, with 8 mounted colour plates, 16 x 14 cm, photomechanical reproductions after Franz von Bayros, with lettered tissue guards, t.e.g. Title-page (in decorated border): INPANDEANVALE | PICTURED {} IN COLOUR | BY THE MAR {} QUIS F.BAYROS {vignette} | AMALTHEA PUBLISHING OFFICEZURICH || Pagination: [2 blank] [1-6] 7-156 [2 blank], total 80 leaves, incl. 8 colour plates with lettered tissue guards. Limitation: Copyright by Amalthea Publishing Office, Vienna. Printed by Adolf Holzhauzen in Vienna. Bound by Karl Scheibe, Vienna. Edition A: №№ I-V, full leather signed by von Bayros; Edition B: №№ 1-495 in half-leather. This copy is № 130, signed by the author. Contributors: Geoffrey Sephton – author, nothing is known. Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) – artist. Adolf Holzhausen the Younger (Austrian, 1868 – 1931) – printer. Karl Scheibe (Austrian) – bookbinder.
  • Description: Softcover 4to volume 25 x 19.7 cm in publisher’s French flapped tan wrappers, in glassine DJ, lettering to front. Printed on watermarked “Arches” laid paper, margins untrimmed, pages uncut. Illustrated with 24 in-text coloured etchings, and 59 vignettes, initials, and tailpieces engraved on wood by Gilbert Poilliot after Maurice Leroy. Front wrapper: GABRIEL SOULAGES | LE | MALHEUREUX | PETIT | VOYAGE {vertical} | AUX ÉDITIONS DU CHARME || Title-page (red and black): GABRIEL SOULAGES | LE MALHEUREUX | PETIT VOYAGE | Illustrations de MAURICE LEROY | {fleuron} | ÉDITIONS DU CHARME | PARIS – 1942 || Pagination: [1-8] (leaf in wrapper, t.p., dedication, d.t.p.) 9-187 [188] [4] (table, colophon, leaf in wrapper), total 192 pages , incl. in wrappers. Limitation: Limited to 750 copies, 25 copies (№ 1-25) on Vélin d’Arches with the original drawings and several suites of plates, 59 copies (№ 26-84) on Vélin d’Arches with the original drawings and several suites of plates, 100 copies (№ 85-184) on Vélin d’Arches with one suite of woodcuts and one of the etchings, 216 copies (№ 185-400) on Vélin d’Arches without enrichment, 350 copies (401-750) on Vélin des Papeteries Lana (Docelles); besides there are 10 copies numbered I-X for the artist and collaborators. This copy is № 266. Edition made under the direction of Sven Nielsen and Robert Meiffrédy; printed on April 29, 1942, at Dumoulin under the direction of H. Barthélemy. Etchings were printed at La Tradition under the direction of H. Durupt and the artist. Gabriel Soulages (French, 1876 – 1930?) – author. Maurice Leroy (French, 1885 – 1973) – artist. Gilbert Poilliot (French, fl. 1938 – 1952) – wood engraver. Sven Nielsen (Danish, 1901 – 1976) – publisher. Robert Meiffrédy (French, 20th century) – publisher.
  • Description: 19th-century binding, 8vo,18.9 x 11.7 cm, in patterned quarter green shagreen over marbled boards, gilt elements and lettering to spine (reliure romantique), printed on laid paper, with tall "s", margins sprinkled blue. Title-page (red and black): L'ART | D'AIMER, | NOUVEAU POËME | EN SIX CHANTS, | Par Monsieur ***** Gouge de Cessières. | Edition fidéle & complette, enrichie de | Figures. | {vignette} | A LONDRES. | Aux dépens de la Compagnie. | = | M. DCC. L. || Includes: La Mort de Zulnï (pp.  175-190 ), Idée de l'Art d'aimer d'Ovide (pp. 191-244), and Lettre écrite à Monsieur *** de ******de l'Académie... (pp. 245-261). Collation: 8vo; a-b8, A-Q8 R3, lacking K2 (pp. 147/8); total 146 leaves (of 147) plus 8 engraved plates, unsigned, incl. frontispiece. Pagination: [i, ii] iii-xxxii, [1, 2] 3-261 [262 blank], lacking pp. 147/8 (K2), possibly containing Argument du chant VI; total 292 pages (of 294), ils. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen-DeRicci (under Ovid) 775, Lewine (under Ovid) 398. The artist and engravers of this edition are unknown. "Another edition, Londres (Paris), 1760, with frontispiece after Eisen by Martinet, and 6 plates after Martinet". Contributors: François-Étienne Gouge de Cessières (French, 1724 – 1782) – author. Ovid [Publius Ovidius Naso] (Roman, 43 B.C. – A.D. 17) – author. Aux dépens de la Compagnie (1685 – 1780) (Amsterdam) – publisher.
  • Description: One volume bound in green morocco, sunned spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, collated 8vo, 28.3 x 23 cm, original wrappers and spine preserved, top margin gilt; numerous in-text woodcuts, 30 full-page plates and one plate tipped-in. Front wrapper (red and black): RABELAIS | GARGANTUA | LITHOGRAPHIES DE SCHEM | {publisher’s device lettered in red “ÉDITIONS DU MANOIR”} | HENRI PASQUINELLY | DIJON || Half-title: LA VIE TRESHORRIFIQUE | DU | GRAND GARGANTUA | PERE DE PANTAGRUEL | JADIS COMPOSÉE | PAR MAISTRE ALCOFRIBAS | ABSTRACTEUR DE QUINTE ESSENCE | — | LIVRE PLEIN DE PANTAGRUELISME || Title-page (red and black): RABELAIS | GARGANTUA | LITHOGRAPHIES DE SCHEM | AVEC UNE PRÉFACE ET DES RÉSUMÉS EXPLICATIFS PAR | PIERRE HUGUENIN | UN GLOSSAIRE ET DES NOTES DE | LOUIS PERCEAU | {publisher’s device lettered in red “ÉDITIONS DU MANOIR”} | HENRI PASQUINELLY | DIJON || Collation: 2 blanks, front wrapper, [1] 2-118, spine, back wrapper, 2 blanks, total 88 leaves between the wrappers plus 30 plates incl. frontispiece, two of which are double-page, extraneous to collation with lettered tissue guards, and one cancelled plate with lettered tissue guard tipped-in. Pagination: [1-7] 8-171 [172] [2 colophon] [2 blank], total 176 pages, ils. Printed on February 20, 1937, at Imprimerie Darantière (Dijon), lithographs were printed by Desjobert (Paris). Limitation: The print run of 3,335 copies, of which 10 (№ I-X) on Japon Impérial, 300 copies (№ 1-300) on Vélin de Rives, 3000 copies (№ 301-3,300) on Bouffant Dauphinois, and 25 copies (A-Z ) on Vélin de Rives for collaborators. This is copy № 45 on Vélin de Rives, enriched with one cancelled plate (see image below).

    Ce petit paillard tousjours tastonnoyt ses gouvernantes cen dessus dessous, cen devant darriere.

      Collaborators: François Rabelais [Alcofribas Nasier] (French, c. 1494 – 1553) – author. Pierre Huguenin (French, 1874 – 1937) – author. Louis Perceau (French, 1883 – 1942) – author. Raoul Serres [Schem] (French, 1881– 1971) – artist. Éditions du manoir; Henri Pasquinelly [Pasquinelli] (French, 20th century) – publisher. Imprimerie Darantière (Dijon) – printer. Edmond Desjobert (French, 1888 – 1963); Edmond et Jacques Desjobert – lithography printer.
  • Description: Softcover, French flapped wrappers, lettered front, back (advert.) and spine, collated in-4to, 24.3 x 20.2 cm, printed on thick wove paper Vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navarre, print run limited to 335 copies from which this is copy № 219; outer margin untrimmed, some leaves uncut, glassine DJ. Limitation: 1 copy (A) on Japon Impérial + double suite of plates + suite of original drawings, 4 copies (B-E) on Japon Impérial + double suite of plates, 15 copies on on Japon Impérial + suite of plates on Vieux Japon teinté (F-T), 315 copies on Vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navarre, of which 15 (I-XV) not for sale. Copyright: Libraire Gallimard, 1924. Printed: March 10, 1924 – text by Coulouma (Argenteuil) under direction of H. Barthélemy, lithographs printed by Marchizet (Paris). Front wrapper (in letterpress two-colour border): Tableaux Contemporains – no 4 | . TABLEAU | de | L'AMOUR | VÉNAL | par | FRANCIS CARCO | Illustré | de douze lithographies en noir | par Luc-Albert Moreau | PARIS | ÉDITIONS DE LA NOUVELLE REVUE FRANÇAISE | 3, rue de Grenelle || Title-page: Same, without a frame, in black, L'AMOUR | VÉNAL in brown. Collation: 4to; 14 a4 2-164, total 68 leaves with wrappers included in collation plus 12 plates, incl. frontispiece, extraneous to collation. Pagination: [2 wrapper] [6] [i] ii-vii [viii blank] [9] 10-122 [2 colophon] [2 blank] [2 wrapper]; total 136 pages incl. wrappers, plus ils. Contributors: Francis Carco [François Carcopino-Tusoli] (French, 1886 – 1958) – author. Luc-Albert Moreau (French, 1882 – 1948) – artist. La Nouvelle Revue Française (nrf) (Paris)– publisher. Gaston Gallimard (French, 1881 – 1975) – publisher.
  • Title-page: FRANCIS CARCO | RUE PIGALLE | LITHOGRAPHIES EN COULEURS | DE | VERTÈS | PARIS | BERNARD GRASSET | Éditeur | 1927 || Description: 25.7 x 19.5 cm, French flapped cream wrappers with black lettering similar to title, lettering to spine, [2] 1st blank leaf, [2] h.t. / blank, plate / blank, [2] t.p. /blank, dedication “A | FRED ANTOINE ANGERMAYER” / blank, [1-2] d.t.p. “CHAPITRE | PREMIER” / blank, [3] 4-124, [2] limitation / blank, [2] last blank leaf; collation: 4to; π4 1-164; total 68 leaves and 14 plates printed by Frères Mourlot after watercolours by Marcel Vertès. Printing : September 15, 1927 by Coulouma in Argenteuil (H. Barthélemy, director); plates printed by Frères Mourlot in Paris; Edition: print run limited to 338 copies of which 22 on Japon Impérial (numbered Japon 1-15 and I-VII) enriched with one original watercolour drawing, one suite in black and one in colour, etc.; 43 copies on Hollande van Gelder (Hollande 1-33 and I-X) with additional suites in black and in colour; 270 copies on Vélin d’Arches (Arches 1-250 and I-XX); and 3 “special” copies. This copy is numbered Arches № 162. Contributors: Francis Carco [François Carcopino-Tusoli] (French, 1886 – 1958) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Frères Mourlot – lithographer. Robert Coulouma (French, 1887 – 1976) – printer. Bernard Grasset (French, 1881 – 1955) – publisher. Fred Antoine Angermayer (German, 1889 –1951) – dedicatee. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Title-page (text in frame): FRANCIS CARCO | RIEN QU'UNE | FEMME | {vignette} | EAUX-FORTES DE | CHAS LABORDE | — | PARIS — M.CM.XXV || Description: 4to, 24.5 x 20 cm, owner’s red cloth, yellow leather label with gilt lettering to spine, original wrappers bound in, woodcut bookplate “ИЗ КНИГ Ф.РОЖАНКОВСКАГО” to front pastedown; chapter titles and initials printed in pink. Collation: fep, 2 blanks before front wrapper, front wrapper with a black lettered pink label, 2 blanks, h.t., t.p., dedication, 1-204 212,2 blanks, rear wrapper, 2 blanks, rep; total 89 leaves within wrappers, plus 15 plates with tissue guards, incl. frontispiece – hand-coloured etchings by Chas [Charles] Laborde, extraneous to collation. In some copies, there are two additional plates. Pagination: [10] [1] 2-162 [2 colophon/blank] [4], total 178 pages. Limitation: Date of printing: September 15, 1925. Printer: Imprimeur Coulouma (Argenteuil) Print run: 267 copies of which 1 copy on Japon Ancien (№1), 15 on Japon Impérial (№№ 2-16), 60 on Hollande (№№ 17-76), and 200 copies on Vélin de Rives (№№ 77-276) ; this is copy № 82. Etchings printed on BFK Rives paper (embossed). Provenance: Rojankovsky, Feodor [Rojan; Рожанковский, Фёдор Степанович] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970). Contributors: Francis Carco [François Carcopino-Tusoli] (French, 1886 – 1958) – author. Chas Laborde [Charles Laborde] (French, 1886 – 1941) – artist. Roger Lacourière (French, 1892 – 1966) – engraver.
  • Description: One volume, publisher’s original tan French flapped wrappers with engraved vignette, in glassine DJ, unbound, 25.5 x 19.5 cm, collated in-4to, bottom and outer margins untrimmed, some pages uncut, printed on laid watermarked Van Gelder Zonen paper, illustrated with 15 full-page drypoint plates, some with tissue guard; front wrapper, t.p. and table vignettes, numerous head- and tailpieces by R. Lacourière after drawings by Marcel Vertès, enriched with two cancelled images printed on different laid papers in different states, three of each image. Printed on June 10, 1926 by Coulouma (Argenteuil) under the direction of H. Barthélemy, drypoints by Roger Lacourière (Paris). Limitation: 95 copies of which № 1 on Japon Ancien, № №  2-26 on Japon Impérial, and №№ 27-95 on Hollande. This is copy № 78. Front wrapper: FRANCIS CARCO | L'AMOUR | VÉNAL | {vignette with inscription in oval tablet «POINTES | SÈCHES | DE» } | VERTÈS | PARIS | MCMXXVI || Title-page: FRANCIS CARCO | L'AMOUR | VÉNAL | {vignette} | POINTES SÈCHES DE | VERTÈS | PARIS | MCMXXVI || Collation: 2 leaves in wrapper, π4 (fac-simile of Carco a.l.s., h.t., t.p., authorship) a4 (preface), 1-164 [17]4, 2 leaves in wrapper; total without the wrapper 76 leaves plus 15 plates, plus 6 plates of enrichment plates. Pagination: [8] [i] [ii-viii] [1] 2-128 [8], total 152 pages, ils. Note: The edition is not in Dutel, not in Pia (Enfer); Fekete (2014): № 215, p. 117; Vokaer (1967): № 15, p.10. According to both sources, it is a 2-volume edition, with text in vol. 1 and plates in vol. 2. Vokaer attributes publishing to La Roseraie (Paris) and provides for 45 drypoints of which 18 full-page plates in the second volume. Fekete (Christie’s) provides for 15 full-page plates and 25 illustrations in text. Contributors: Francis Carco [François Carcopino-Tusoli] (French, 1886 – 1958) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Roger Lacourière (French, 1892 – 1966) – engraver, printer.
  • NEW
    Hardcover volume, 297 x 256 x 40 mm, glossy pictorial boards, pp. [1-8] 9-428 [4], profusely illustrated, text in French. F.I.N.A.L.E. stands for Foundation Internationale d’Arts et Litératures Érotiques (Foundation of Erotic Arts and Literatures, established on December 12, 1996 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Title-page: éros, | indéfiniment | Collections F.I.N.A.L.E. | { HumuS, publisher’s device} ||
  • NEW
    Hardcover volume, 290 x 225 mm, bound in scarlet velveteen with gilt lettering to front and spine, gilt vignette and lettering to back; pp.: [1-8] 9-204 [4], profusely illustrated; text in French and English. ISBN : 2-940127-37-9. Title-page (yellow on red paper): EROS SECRET | OBJETS EROTIQUES A TRANSFORMATION | EROTIC TRANSFORMATION OBJECTS | Photographies et chorégraphie : Véronique Willemin | Photographer and choreography || “The ensemble of 150 objects presented belongs to one single collector. The manner in which the author met him at the airport of Larnaca, then on a yacht in the Mediterranean sea, resembles more a novel by Gérard de Villiers than the preface of a curator but has its own touch of spice” [Art of the day Weekly].
  • Description: One volume 32.5 x 25.5 cm, in crimson cloth, blind lettering to front cover and spine, pictorial DJ, lettered (similar to t.p.) in the back. Pagination: [2 blank] [1-9] 10-337 [338] [4] [4 notes], total 174 leaves, 137 entries. Title-page (in red and black): Eros invaincu | LA BIBLIOTHÉQUE GÉRARD NORDMANN | Florilège | établi sous la direction de Monique Nordmann | commente par Laurent Adert • Saba Bahar • Françoise Bléchet • Arto Clerc | (5 more lines of names) | & | édité par Rainer Michael Mason | FONDATION MARTIN BODMER | EDITIONS CERCLE D'ART | GENÈVE • MMIV • PARIS || Gérard Nordmann (Swiss, 1930 – 1992) Bibliothèque érotique: Gérard Nordmann; Livres, manuscrits, dessins, photographies du XVIe au XXe siècle / Catalogues de ventes (two parts) — Paris: Christie’s, 2006, see LIB-2828.2021 and [LIB-2810.2021].
  • NEW
    Bound in full-colour pictorial wrappers with French flaps, 250 x 190 x 35 mm, 1,311 g by weight, profusely illustrated volume, pp. [1-4] 5-427 [5], 216 leaves total. Title-page: {vignette} | EROS BACCHUS | L'amour et le vin | {publisher's device} || Exhibition at Château Musée du vin et de la vigne, à Aigle, du 24 mai 2014 au 28 février 2015. Text by Michel Froidevaux. Original description : Depuis l'apparition du vignoble, l'amour et le vin sont inséparables. Tantôt boisson des dieux, tantôt breuvage des poètes, le vin a la vertu de rapprocher les êtres. De la riche mythologie antique - Dionysos et Bacchus - aux fêtes des confréries contemporaines, le vin enflamme l'imaginaire et génère de la convivialité. L'idée est de proposer un parcours ludique et culturel, badin et savant pour aller par siècles et contrées à la découverte des plaisirs du boire et des méandres du désir. Livre richement illustré d'un millier d'images (dessins, objets, cartes postales,...) avec la participation d'une quarantaine d'artistes contemporains qui ont créé spécialement une œuvre. Machine translation: Love and wine have been inseparable since the dawn of the vineyard. Sometimes the drink of the gods, sometimes the beverage of poets, wine has the virtue of bringing people together. From the rich mythology of antiquity - Dionysus and Bacchus - to contemporary brotherhood celebrations, wine fires the imagination and generates conviviality. The idea is to offer a playful and cultural journey, both playful and learned, through centuries and lands, to discover the pleasures of drinking and the twists and turns of desire. The book is richly illustrated with some 1,000 images (drawings, objects, postcards, etc.), featuring works by some 40 contemporary artists.